For additional notes see the accompanying blog 911notes.blogspot.com.
Read the following two screens of text to learn what happened at 9/11.
9/11 was a master plot, concocted by a handfull of Israelis and dual passport Americans and carried out by the resources of the Mossad.
Larry Silverstein leases a nearly worthless dinosaur WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbestos the buildings were stuffed with and needed to be cleaned up, the cost of which may have rivaled the value of the buildings themselves) weeks before 9/11, makes sure it is over insured against terrorist acts and hires an Israeli security firm. From that moment on the coast is clear to let a team of demolition experts from the Israeli army led by Peer Segalovitz into the WTC buildings. These charges plus detonators had been prepared at the premises of the Urban Moving Systems company, a Mossad front. During the weeks before 9/11 these prepared charges were loaded into vans, driven into the basements of WTC Twin Towers next to the elevator shaft, unloaded into the elevator, and lifted onto the roof of the elevator through the opening in the elevator ceiling. Next the elevator moved from floor to floor while charges where being attached to the columns as displayed in this video from 0:22 onwards. The detonators of these charges were radiographic controlled and finally detonated from WTC7 on the day of 9/11.
Fast backward, Hamburg 54 Marienstrasse, july 2000, 22:40. Mohamed Atta, Al Shehhi and Jarrah (who were later blamed of being the pilots of flight 11, 175 and 93 respectively), who share the apartment hear the ringing of the door bell. Jarrah opens the door, 5 masked men make their way into the apartment with drawn pistols. The 3 Arabs are forced to lay on the ground. Their passports are confiscated, next the 3 men are made unconscious with some liquid and strangled to death afterwards. The bodies are carried out of the apartment into a van and driven off towards a desolate spot at the boarding of the Elbe river outside Hamburg, 1 kilometer north of Borstel and disposed of into the river with a bag filled with stones tied to their feet. The 3 passports are now in the possession of the agents of the Mossad, who carried out the raid on the apartment and 3 Arabs have vanished without anybody knowing that they are dead. Not long after the raid the 3 passports are given to 3 Israeli agents who were selected on having some resemblance with the 3 Arabs just killed. They make for America soon afterwards in the summer of 2000 and start laying a trail at flight schools, posing with the stolen identities from the 3 Arabs killed.
Years earlier the israeli Michael Goff working for PTech, an Arab owned software company that develops key enterprise software for many government institutions like NORAD and FAA, using his secure channel with another israeli Amit Yoran, somehow manages to give Israeli army computer programmers access to this critical computer code. It was due to this manipulation that the hijackings on 9/11 remained unnoticed by the flight controller of NORAD. Once this was in place the planes could be taken over by remote control and flown into the World Trade Center.
The hijacking of airliners by remote control had been tested as a dress rehearsal for 9/11 on the Egypt Air flight 990 that crashed into the Atlantic on October 31, 1999.
Now everything was in place to commit the crime of the century. On the day of 9/11 the Israeli stand-ins for the 'Arab hijackers' showed up at the predestined departure airports to make sure they were captured on surveillance camera's. The crucial point here is that the security at both the departure airports was in hands of an Israeli firm Huntleigh-USA, a subsidiary of the Dutch based but Israeli owned ICTS led by a fellow named Menahem Atzmon. And this is crucial: Atzmon used to be a colleague of Olmert in 1998. So there you have the link between the 9/11 operative level (an airport security firm) and the highest level of Israeli politics. What happened on the morning of 9/11 was that after the Israeli stand-ins were captured on camera, they left the airport via a side entrance and the show could begin. Minutes after the planes became air born somebody somehow was able to send a signal to the planes, causing the control panels to be disabled and the flight destination altered. What happened was that an anti-hijack system was activated (code word 'home run') and the regular pilot was put out of control. This pilot will probably have tried frantically to regain control of his aircraft. It is not very likely he will have told his passengers about the new situation since that would only cause panic. The passengers probably suspected nothing and hence had no reason to make any phone calls to their relatives (which were not possible anyway). And while the 9/11 passengers unsuspecting travel towards their immanent deaths, on the ground from a war room Israeli agents carry out phone calls to relatives of the passengers that were still in the air, using voice morphing technology and caller-ID spoofing and thus planted the Arabs-did-it-deception in the public consciousness. The sound samples necessary to carry out the fake telephone calls had been obtained via the israeli infiltration of American telephone networks by Israeli firms like Amdocs and Verint. By the time that the passengers were puzzled as they discerned the New York sky line it was already too late.
Meanwhile on the other side of the Hudson river the members of the Israeli team that planted the demolition charges were waiting for things to happen. And while the rest of New York experienced in horror the events that were unfolding that day, the demolition experts were celebrating and high-fiving. The plot had worked out magnificently.
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This blog is the verbal expression of an adaptive learning process. Please come back regularly.
Core Argument
Ok, I admit. Some elements in this story are speculative. I do not know for instance if Atta was killed in Germany or in America. But the story is an coherent educated speculation. It is an attempt to reconstruct the events of 9/11. Myriads of web sites exist that expose the inconsistencies in the official story, that obviously is a fraud. This story offers an integral explanation of what could have happened and in all likelihood more or less did happen at 9/11 as there can be hardly any doubt about who was behind 9/11 if one rejects the official story. Some elements remain vague, like what happened exactly to WTC7, flight77, flight93 or Mohamed Atta. But these questions are of academic interest only. It's clear who was behind 9/11 and what happened in detail with WTC-1/2 and the planes. That is enough. Here's where most people got killed. The rest of the plot can be uncovered by a tribunal.
In order to prevent that you get swallowed up by yet another 10 meters of screen text here is the core of the argument. The story is based on 2 broadly accepted postulates:
1) WTC was brought down by controlled demolition
2) The 'dancing Israelis' on the morning of 9/11 had foreknowledge of things to come
These 2 premises are enough to put the Official Conspiracy Theory (Arabs did it) out of business.
Premise 2 leads to the preliminary conclusion that the Israelis had foreknowledge because they organized the attacks themselves. Since Israelis are not known to commit suicide attacks we have to assume that the airplanes that crashed into their destinations were remote controlled. If one accepts this as a working hypothesis than there is a lot, I mean really a lot, of material that supports this Israeli Conspiracy Theory that replaces the official Arab Conspiracy Theory. We have the dedicated Zionist Silverstein who leases the WTC complex and over insures it against terrorism (leading to a hansom profit); we know that security at all departure airports and 'arrival airports' (WTC) was in Israeli hands (Huntleigh-USA and Kroll Associates, resp.); we know that the owner of Huntleigh-USA, Menachem Atzmon, a convicted criminal, had strong ties to Ehud Olmert, that is the highest level of Israeli politics; we also know that the Israeli secret service can eavesdrop on virtually everybody in the USA via Israeli owned companies like Amdocs and Verint which gave the Mossad the possibility to obtain sound samples of future 9/11 passengers to apply voice morphing to in order to make the fake phone calls on 9/11. And of course there is Dov Zakheim, the real mastermind of 9/11 who was CEO of SPC for 4 years prior to 9/11, a company that produces systems for remote control of airplanes. The same Zakheim that was a member of the Zionist dominated PNAC group, that more or less plotted for a global American empire, and suggested that a 'New Pearl Harbor' (page 51) could speed things up a bit; and finally the same Zakheim that 6 months before 9/11 became supervisor of a group of Pentagon comptrollers that had to sort out what had happened to the 2.3 trillion dollars that were missing from the Pentagon books; many of these comptrollers conveniently got killed on 9/11 and much of the financial data went with them. This is the core of the story.
Note: I am not claiming that 9/11 is solved. Of this however we can be certain: WTC controlled demolition, Israelis carried out the operation, no Arab hijackers, mastermind Zakheim, motive PNAC & Clean Break and remote control. I do not care about flight77 or 93, those are details to be solved by crime investigators. The most pressing question is that of remote control: how was that done? Were the original flights 11 and 175 remote controlled themselves or was there a plane swap as some have suggested, including Bollyn?
Disclaimer: nobody is guilty until convicted by a court of law. This blog's intent is to stimulate thinking about 9/11 from a different angle than the official one. From day one the blame has been put at bin Laden and his people without real evidence. Today bin Laden is no longer persecuted for 9/11 according to the FBI website. The theory proposed here might be true or false or contain some truth. In the end it must be an official investigation that determines who is guilty and who is not. This blog is dedicated to Italian ex-president Cossiga who is the highest ranking statesman to date who has openly stated that it was the Mossad who has carried out the 9/11 attacks.
End of Disclaimer

Arab Conspiracy Theory (ACT)
LIHOP Conspiracy Theory (LCT)
Israeli Conspiracy Theory (ICT)
......Motive behind 9/11
......How 9/11 was done
......The main players
......Solving 9/11
Central Story Line
More on the core of the argument
More on 9/11 motives
The fake 9/11 phone calls
Dancing Israelis or Urban Movers planting explosives at the WTC
The link between Olmert and 9/11
Dov Zakheim, remote control and the Pentagon
Who were the plotters?
Blaming the Arabs
Remote Control Scenario
Pentagon attack motive
What happened to flight77 if it did not crash into the Pentagon?
9/11 operational errors
Peer Segalovitz, the demolition man
Visualizing 9/11
Testing remote control: Air Egypt 990
The cost of having other opinions about 9/11
Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky do not care about who was behind 9/11
The 9/11 International Tribunal
Ron Paul provisional government
Additional material
......More on the WTC collapse
......Voice morphing
.......9/11 conspiracy too complex?
.......Plane swapping
......Khalid Sheik Muhamed mastermind of 9/11?
......9/11 war room
......More on remote control
......Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew
......Lucky Larry Silverstein
......Sibel Edmonds and 9/11-2
......9/11 Commission Report
......On David Ray Griffin's strategy
......Non-disclosure of Pentagon videos
......Operation Northwood
......PNAC and the New Pearl Harbour
......Bad omens
......Phone calls transcript
......Phone calls from high altitude and high speed in 2001
......Pentagon no-plane theory reservations
......Bin Laden no longer sought after
......More on the dancing Israelis
......More on Israeli eavesdropping
......Attempt to reconstruct
......Interesting additional material, isolated facts, articles, video's, etc.
......Open questions
......Unprocessed links

Many people realize that the official explanation of the 9/11 events is implausible. Prof. David Ray Griffin for instance has written several books detailing what is implausible about the official story, hereafter dubbed as the Arab Conspiracy Theory (ACT). The aim of this blog will be to present a competing conspiracy theory, dubbed as the Israeli Conspiracy Theory (ICT) to see who might win this competition. I do not claim to present much original material, almost all of the ICT proposed here is based on the work of Christopher Bollyn, see this link for his theory about who was behind 9/11. My added value will be to collect additional material from the net, like Youtube videos and the like and to add some ideas and speculations of my own.
But again, almost all the credit goes to the work of Christopher Bollyn. Please support him. Send a donation by PayPal to: bollyn@bollynbooks.com
Url: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=8408218426823251627
Bollyn discusses his 9/11 theory and other topics (2006)
This documentary 'Missing Links' is based on the work of Bollyn:
Some of what will be said here will be speculation. Nothing will be 'proven' here as such. Amateur detectives like me do not have a forensic apparatus at their disposal like police departments do, I just have a brain, a limited amount of time and an internet connection. Like in a classic whodunnit the aim is to construct a story line that is not in contradiction with the known facts. This is like in real live crime solving: first collect relevant facts, construct a hypothesis and finally test and prove your hypothesis. This blog will be focusing on constructing a hypothesis and thus, as if it were, increase the appetite to get the damned thing solved. The work of Griffin is invaluable in that it is thorough and precise; Bollyn goes further and comes up with an integral story. Bollyn is currently writing a book 'solving 9/11' that will, by it's nature, be confined to letters printed on paper. This blog will be like an (unauthorized) appendix to his work by using the resources only the internet can offer.
The ultimate goal is to increase pressure on authorities in order to reopen the official 9/11 investigation, preferably in an international context to bring the true perpetrators to justice.
Possible suspects of 9/11
There are not many suspects of 9/11. Nobody ever claimed that the Japanese, the Dutch, the Russians, the Hutu's or whatever were behind 9/11. The only 3 suspects mentioned are: Arabs (46%), inside job (US-gov did it or 'rogue elements' within the US-gov, 15%) or Israel (7%). That's it. The only group known to commit suicide serving a higher (religious) goal are indeed the muslims. In this respect the official story has some benefit of the doubt. Since it is unthinkable that Americans or Israeli are willing to carry out suicide missions the alternative theories have to resort to remote controlled airplanes to explain the events of 9/11. An intermediate version is also possible (and suggested by people like Justin Raimondo) that Israel had foreknowledge of the impending attack but that 'they' let it happen on purpose (LIHOP-theory). But this is it. No further scenarios are credible.
First the official story. Since we have been fed this story for 7 years now by the media and government, you might as well skip it.

Arab Conspiracy Theory (ACT)
During the years before 9/11 somewhere in the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan the plan was born in the brain of Osama bin Laden and his fellow warriors against the Sovjets to carry out an attack against the Great Satan USA.
Motive: they were jealous at the freedoms the West enjoyed.
4 hijacker pilots: Hani Hanjour, Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah plus 15 other hijackers, save one all coming from Saudi-Arabia.
The Mastermind behind the whole operation was Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.
Atta and al-Shehhi take up flying lessons at Rudi Dekkers flying school, Hanjour attended several schools in Arizona and Jarrah in Florida (not simultaneously with Atta).
The precise sequence of events is listed here in detail. See this very detailed overview for additional facts.
Additional information about the 4 pilots:
Mohamed Atta, the pilot of flight 11, came from a middle-class household in Egypt. In Hamburg, Germany, he earned his master’s degree in architecture.
Marwan al-Shehhi, the pilot of flight 175, was from the United Arab Emirates and had joined the UAE army. Later when in Germany, he enrolled in a university with a military scholarship.
Hani Hanjour, the pilot of the Pentagon plane, was a son of a businessman in Saudi Arabia. He first arrived to USA already in 1991.
Ziad Jarrah, the pilot of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, was a son of an industrious, wealthy family in Beirut. Jarrah moved to Germany and studied aerospace engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg.
15 other hijackers joined the pilots aboard the four airplanes. All but one were from Saudi Arabia, most were from families headed by tradesmen and civil servants, well-off, but not wealthy.
Flight | Departure airport | Departure time | Pilot | # hijackers | Destination | Time of crash |
AA11 | Boston | 7:40 | Atta | 5 | WTC1 (north tower) | 8:46 |
UA175 | Boston | 8:14 | Al-Shehni | 5 | WTC2 (south tower) | 9:03 |
AA77 | Washington | 8:20 | Hanjour | 5 | Pentagon | 9:37 |
UA93 | Newark | 8:42 | Jarrah | 4 | Shanksville | 10:05 |
Detail: UA93 had a 41 minutes delay.
[end of ACT]
LIHOP Conspiracy Theory (LCT)
In principle just like ACT, except that one or more secret service(s)/government(s) were aware of the impending attack and decided not to intervene or did not have enough precise knowledge to intervene. The respected German weekly Die Zeit reported about this possibility in an early stage ('Door to door with Mohammed Atta').
[end of LCT]

Israeli Conspiracy Theory (ICT)
Motive behind 9/11
Realization of the goals as formulated in the policy paper Clean Break, as well as the realization of the goals of the Project of the New American Century. It all comes down to the strengthening of the American global supremacy by creating an excuse for obtaining a larger military presence in the Middle East where some 60 percent of the global oil reserves are located (PNAC-goal), as well as improvement of the geostrategic position of Israel by eliminating its most important enemies (Iraq, Iran, Syria –> Clean Break-goal). The link with oil explains why people like Dick Cheney were on-board, somebody who made his career in the oil business and perfectly understood that oil was becoming scarce in the near future ('peak-oil'). For the rest it would be a mistake to perceive a too-big-a-difference between the American and Jewish/Israeli interests, since the Jews constitute without competition the dominant class in the US, who hold all the levers to power: the visual and written media, the FED, Wallstreet, think tanks (AEI for instance), Hollywood, plus a large amount of organizations that cement the power of the Jews (AIPAC and ADL as important examples). The circumstance that de facto American politics (Dems plus Reps) is controlled by the Jews was until recently only said aloud by the extreme Right, now this insight starts to be realized by the Left as well, mainly because of the work of Mearsheimer and Walt (in the Netherlands brought under the attention by the leftwing broadcasting organization VPRO, see the English spoken 'Tegenlicht' documentary 'The Israel Lobby'). That the Iraq-war was initiated by the (Jewish dominated) Neocon-movement, is so obvious that almost nobody denies that anymore.
How 9/11 was done
According to Bollyn 9/11 was concipated in a small network of conspirators in New York, Washington, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The central figures in that conspiracy were Silverstein, Olmert, Netanyahu, Atzmon, Dov Zakheim (my addition, via Dick Eastman) and many others and was carried out by the Mossad (responsible for the technical realization of the 9/11 operation, consisting in software-manipulation and placing of explosives in the 9/11 target buildings).For a better understanding of all the links between people and organizations of the 9/11 Israeli crime network in the story that follows right click on the diagram below and open it in a different tab of your browser. Again, the diagram is based on the content of this story by Christopher Bollyn.

I will give a short summary of what Bollyn says about 9/11 and its perpetrators in that article, mixed with some speculations of my own and observations of others. The story by Bollyn is a very interesting read (some 40 page's if printed out)
The 9/11-plan originated in a handful of Israeli brains: Isser Harel with his fixation on the WTC-towers, Dov Zakheim with his knowledge of remote control and the motive to stop the Pentagon-audit regarding the missing 2 trillion dollar (this idea I have from Dick Eastman, see further below), and Netanyahu and Olmert with their Clean-Break-fixation.
Directly after 9/11 it was the dual passport holder Michael Chertoff, who from his position as Asst. Attorney General within the ministry of Justice could quietly get rid of several suspects of 9/11 and get them out of the country without prosecution. More specifically the Israelis that got arrested near the Holland Tunnel.
The early indications of Israeli involvement followed from the story of the 5 dancing Israelis as well as the Odigo warning messages, addressed at the Jewish WTC-employees.
Main players
PTech was a company whose employees had been present in the basement of the FAA two years prior to 9/11. This enabled PTech like no other to manipulate the software of the FAA
Bollyn discovered in 2005 that PTech was a hidden Israeli intelligence operation. This was a key discovery. It was this discovery that helped to unmask other key figures in the Israeli network
Michael Goff, an Israeli lawyer, was the key person within PTech, when it was founded in 1994. Later Goff worked for Guardium, an Israeli software-firm with links to military intelligence services. This is the crucial connection (PTech –> Goff –> Guardium) that was helpful to uncover the larger Israeli military network that was behind the events of 9/11.
Through the connection that Goff formed between PTech and Guardium we can see how a complex network of senior officers of the Israeli military intelligence service can all be connected with key elements of 9/11. This connection explains also how manipulated software ended up on sensitive American government- and military computer networks.
The role that Goff played within PTech consisted of buying software for PTech and sales of enterprise software developed within PTech. Later Goff joined Guardium, a company that formed a branch of the research and development department of the Israeli air force. Guardium is a spin-off of Log-On Software, founded by major Gil Migdan (Israeli marine) en Joseph Segev (see diagram).
Another founder and director of Guardium is Amit Yoran, an Israeli who became manager for computer security of the Pentagon. After 9/11 he was appointed by GW Bush to cyber security czar for the ministry of Homeland Security. Yoran was charged with the design of a security architecture for the Pentagon. Rather significant: Yoran has carried out doctoral research on the field of Intrusion Detection Technologies. He was therefor perfectly acquainted with the field of spy software.
The link between Goff and the Israeli army dates probably from before 1994, when he suddenly abandoned his lawyer practice and started working for PTech.
In all probability Goff’s relationship with the founders of Guardium was the channel through which Israeli spy software was delivered to PTech. In other words: Goff was the link between the Israelis military programmers and the computer networks of the American army.
At the same time as Goff worked for PTech, did Yoran work for the Pentagon and designed its computer security. From this position Yoran was ideally placed to install the software developed by PTech on the critical hardware of the American army. The links between Goff, PTech, Guardium and Amit Yoran gives a logical explanation for the way Israeli spy software ended up on those systems.
Next Bollyn mentions amongst others that the Israeli firm Amdocs is an example of an Israeli company that is being run by senior officers of the Mossad.
Bollyn mentions the 27-year old Lieutenant Peer Segalovitz as a demolition expert, who supposedly has been the leader of the team that placed the explosives in the WTC-complex.
Another rather crucial connection is the one between Jeremy Kroll, who occupies a position at the advisory board of Security Growth Partners (SGP), led by Elad Yoran. SGP is a venture capital company. This Elad fellow is a brother of Amit Yoran mentioned earlier. Why is this connection crucial? Because with it a link is being established between Kroll Associates, the firm responsible for the security of the WTC-complex and the world of software manipulators via Amit Yoran. See the diagram!
The firm Kroll was hired after the WTC-bomb attacks of 1993 with the goal to reinstall security. A fatal decision. When one accepts that the WTC-buildings were blown up, then it becomes clear that the security of the building complex is high on your suspect list. It was precisely in the computer room of Kroll in the north tower, where the first plane struck (precision guided). The managing director of Kroll was Jerome Hauer and he had this position between 1993 and 9/11. Earlier Hauer was the director of mayor Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), where he was the driving force o build a command bunker for OEM in WTC-7. It is obvious that the explosives with which the WTC-1/2/7 were blown up could never have ended up in the towers if the security had been part of the conspiracy.
Then there is the relationship between Jules Kroll (the father of Jeremy) and Silverstein, i.e. between the security firm and the owner of the WTC-complex. They have known each other from the Citizens Budget Commission of New York. The wife of Jules Kroll knew Silverstein via the United Jewish Appeal Federation of New York, the largest fund raiser for the state of Israel. These are two distinct possibilities of how Kroll and Silverstein could have known each other.
Then comes the last step: the link between WTC security and the demolition experts of the Israeli army. The link between them is Maurice Greenberg. As an aside, this guy Greenberg was in the news last month, when his firm AIG, the worlds largest insurer, acquired billions from his buddies in the government, as part of the overall Wallstreet bailout scheme. To make a long story short, it was through the connections with Kroll and Greenberg that Mossad-demolition experts got control over the WTC en thus were able to carry out 9/11. The planes were hijacked by remote control.
Until here the story as told by Bollyn.
Note that no distinction is really made between the ICT proposed here and the notion of 'inside job'. America if effectively under Zionist control, meaning that the American establishment can act only in the interest of Israel and Zionism.
[end of ICT]
In our discussion there are only two really distinct 'sources of motivation':
1) an Afghan cave with bearded fellows resenting the freedoms the West enjoys
2) PNAC/Clean Break and their backers in Washington and Jerusalem aiming for changing the global geostrategic landscape in favor of America/Israel.
Solving 9/11
As a next step we are going to examine all the 'snippets of reality' relating to 9/11 and how they measure up against the conspiracy theories proposed above.Let's start with the controlled demolition theory. Here is the testimony of a dutch expert of controlled demolition Danny Jowenko, who is for the first time confronted with the implosion of WTC7:
Url: http://www.youtube.com/v/k3DRhwRN06I&hl=nl&fs=1
There is no doubt in his mind: WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition.
Against rumor that Jowenko had retracted his judgment here is proof on the contrary:
Url: http://www.youtube.com/v/QajDxF9uEf4&hl=nl&fs=1
That WTC1/2 was brought down by demolition becomes clear after watching videos like these (minute 3:24):
Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX0xyi_qFtk&feature=related
Overwhelming proof (from 2:40) of explosions coming from the towers before the collapse:
Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KLc0_La6p8
On September 12, 2001, Peter Jennings interviews Marlene Cruz, a carpenter injured in one of the pre-collapse explosions in the WTC-sub-basement level B long before the planes hit the towers. She was the first casualty of 9/11 admitted at Bellevue Hospital. Cruz is a living witness whose testimony proves that pre-planted explosives were used to weaken the foundations of the towers as part of a well-planned controlled demolition
Url: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=TSGZYP--wz0
Physicist prof. Steven Jones pointed out that the stream of white glowing substance coming out of the WTC tower (minute 0:25) could only be explained by the usage of thermite causing metal to melt:
Url: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=_wVLeKwSkXA
To get the feeling for what thermite can do to metal watch this hilarious clip:
Url: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=sjLgzgflCk8
Here is another short experiment that clearly shows the destructive power of thermite. Note the molten metal at the end of the clip (minute 1:49):
Url: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=S84UMbF0s2k
In this dutch video it is shown how thermite is routinely used to bring down buildings. At 0:25 you can see that thermite charges are attached to columns at an angle in order to make the building 'walk'. The effect is that after the beam/column is cut the building moves somewhat horizontally so it can fall straight down afterwards. At 1:42 WTC columns are shown that are cut at an angle, as is routinely the case with controlled demolition:
Url: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=4cg2y3RqbO8
This very short clip (37 secs) brings home the same message:
Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J8ojEWlkrs
If you really want to go to the core watch this very thorough presentation about the WTC demolitions (2 hours) of Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth:
Url: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-8182697765360042032&ei=y-IISaqHDo-w2ALu6aijCg&q=blueprint+for+truth+gage&hl=nl
In my opinion it is the best video about the destruction of the WTC I have seen so far. Some highlights:
16:30 - Dan Rather says that for the 3rd time today a building was deliberately destroyed by 'dynamite'.
20:00 - the fire fighter about explosions.
39:20 - the WTC twin towers were 'worthless aging dinosaurs'.
41:00 - cost to tear the WTC down somewhere between 5-15 billion; WTC were 'condemned structures'; financial gain Silverstein: paid 3.2 billion, got 4.6, on his way to 7 billion.
45:00 - WTC was designed to withstand Boeing impact.
56:00 - orange flashes as proof of explosives.
1:04:00 - all core columns can be accessed through elevator shaft.
1:05:00 - many/all columns found under the rubble were of 30 feet length... ready for shipment (hence the haste and secrecy about this evidence).
1:05:45 - wireless detonation.
1:08:40 - impossible collapse pattern.
1:17:30 - squibs.
1:20:30 - Where is the debris? The pancakes? WTC was fully pulverized.
1:24:20 - the openly lying NIST shill.
1:26:08 - molten iron visible.
If you want some more proof, watch this documentary, 911 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions (90 minutes):
Url: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871&ei=h-QISZr_HILm2QLxm4WbCg&q=911+mysteries+demolitions&hl=nl
911 Mysteries – Part 1: Demolitions
2:05 – view on two fireballs
2:19 – minute size of the fires inside the towers prior to the collapse
2:58 – see the shadow of the fireball from the 2nd onto the 1st tower: size at least 100 meters.
3:19 – eye-witness with schmug explanation; probably planted
3:29 – another view on the minute size of the fire
3:51 – core of the official theory: ’Fire caused collapse’
4:10 – towers were designed to withstand large airliner crash (B707)
5:00 – denial of official story that the B676 were larger/heavier than the B707's the buildings were designed for
5:15 - full view on the fireball 2nd tower (5:18 zoomed in)
5:22 – firemen report about the minute size of fires ('2 isolated fires… able to knock down with 2 hoses')
5:45 – FEMA report confirmed that most of the fuel was consumed in the initial fireball during the first minutes after impact
5:55 – official story about how the fires supposedly brought down the buildings
6:16 – smoking buildings, meaning oxygen starved fires (like smoking, hardly burning wood blocks in a camp fire)
6:47 – person waving from a smoking story; impossible if there were raging fires.
7:08 – person from WTC Construction & Project Management states that the towers were probably able to withstand several impacts, not just one
7:35 – towers designed to withstand wind gusts of 225 km/h; buildings swing in the wind (the more than 100 meters high Euromast in Rotterdam/Netherlands can have an amplitude of 1 meter at the top during storm!). This kills the 'trusses broke off due to thermal deformation'; the buildings were flexible enough to withstand a theoretical thermal expansion of a couple of milimeters (if there was any sizable expansion in the first place).
7:50 – no difference between plane impact and a hurricane
8:40 – never in the history of the world has a steel building collapsed due to fire
9:04 – in 1975 there was a fire in WTC north tower that burned for 3 hours on several floors (twice as long as on 911); nothing happened then
9:28 – fires in Madrid (Windsor tower) in 2005; burning for 20 hours, much more severe than WTC; building’s core structure was undamaged
9:43 – comparison Madrid/WTC in 1 shot to see the difference
10:49 – clear impression of structural design twin towers
11:18 – excellent clear view on trusses and floor elements
11:32 – graphical representation of the official story of why the towers fell
11:52 – essence of the official story: ’if you drop your pants your legs will be destroyed as well’. Fortunately this is not true as is confirmed every night as we go to bed. Self defeating explanation: the core remains upright; in reality it came down as well. This can only be explained through controlled demolition of the core.
12:31 – witnesses report that there was no exessive heat inside the towers
12:45 – famous description by firefighters of how the towers came down, by explosions
13:05 – witness reports explosions before collapse
13:20 – other witness: explosions sounded like gun fire
13:27 – 3rd witness talks about explosions observed from 8th floor; several more witnesses report explosions before the collapse. Conclusion: the building was rigged with explosives that went off either unintentionally early or intentionally to pre-weaken the entire structure in preparation for its final collapse
14:00 – eyewitnesses that explicitly state that explosives were planted in the building
14:40 – the sound of explosions reaches us before we visually see the start of the collapse; the sound of imploding floors and trusses should have reached us after it. This is certain proof that explosions preceded and thus caused the collapse.
16:02 – thermal properties of steel; melting point 1500 C or higher (2750 F)
16:29 – open fires never hotter than 650 C. (red orange flames like in the WTC); steel stoves don’t melt even if they are used for months (iron stoves are obviously not cooled like car engines)
17:55 – likewise it is complete impossible that small scattered fires brought down these towers
19:10 – again the official story: a few floors failed and crushed upon lower floors crashing them in turn by their sheer weight and thus causing a domino-effect
19:25 – even if you accept (against all odds; remember the flexibility of the tower) that the fire caused floors to collapse, than the collapse of the core remains a mistery. Even the outer columns/mesh had probably to stay upright while the floors pancaked.
20:00 – collapse WTC identical with controlled demolished buildings
21:13 – metal and concrete is hurled away from the buildings sideways; a 270 ton piece of steel (weight twice of a Boeing airliner!) was hurled away 120 meter into a neigbouring building! Beams where sticking out of several neighbouring buildings.
22:44 – the falling top of the tower all over sudden disintegrating in mid-air!
24:47 – illustration of the free fall speed of the buildings
27:51 – proof that explosions took place in the basement prior to the collaps
28:36 – testimony William Rodriguez
31:00 – testimony of explosives everywhere in the basements of both towers and everywhere else
33:15 – prior to the collapse the building was systematically destroyed in slow pace by numerous explosions causing floors to collapse prior to the final collapse
33:45 – smoke from the tower at street level
35:24 – camera registers several explosions before the collapse
35:53 – squibs (demolition jargon) spraying from the building below the collapse level; well known phenomena during controlled demolitions
37:38 – very clear sqib from the sky-lobby
42:29 – molten metal. 8 weeks after the collapse there were still fires raging with underground molten metal with debrie temperatures of 600 C.
43:15 – Steven Jones stating that the only explanation for the presence of molten metal was that explosives like thermite had been used; thermite has molten iron as an end product, watch this short clip.
45:20 – second product of thermite reaction, aluminium oxide visible as white smoke
45:24 – evidence of thermite usage at 81-floor
46:00 – even the NYT confirmed that sulphur was found on the iron; sulphur lowers the melting point of iron (thermate) and gives even faster results
47:13 – official from demolition industry explains that usage of timers is the reason why it is called controlled (demolition).
47:27 – linear shape charge
47:55 – there are thousands of different types of explosives
49:15 – pre-weakening is standard procedure (hence all these observed explosions before the final blow in both towers)
49:42 – the beams that were found cut under an angle
51:32 – sequence of how the buildings were brought down
53:19 – Giuliani confessing that they knew in advance that the buildings were going to collapse.
54:10 - Silverstein idem dito: the decision was made to pull the building
55:09 – Silverstein, someone with 'international connections' (Israel comes to mind)
55:29 – explicit mentioning in the lease contract that Silverstein was allowed to rebuild the buildings in case they were destroyed
55:52 – Silverstein won 7 billion dollar on his initial investment of 15 million dollar (that’s a ROI of 500)
57:20 – WTC3/4/5/6 were infinitely more damaged than WTC7, but did not collapse; WTC7 did collapse
57:45 – construction workers in front of WTC7 who say that 'the building is coming down soon'!
58:15 – Silverstein caught lying about the meaning of the word 'pull'. There were no fire fighters to pull from the building. It’s real meaning was to bring down the building. Implying that the building had been prepared long before to come down (it is impossible to decide, plan and implement such an operation in a few hours)
58:42 – witness who says that the WTC7 first floor came down first and the rest followed (classic controlled demolition)
1:00:30 – possible motives for the intentional destruction of WTC7 (destruction SEC fraud records Worldcom and Enron)
1:04:45 – WTC power down weekend ('South Tower from the 48th floor up'… “This process, Forbes recalled, began early Saturday morning (September 8th) and continued until mid-Sunday afternoon (September 9th) – approximately 30 hours.”)
1:07:15 – the twin towers were big money losers
1:07:50 – WTC asbestos problem: al steel beams had been sprayed with fire proof asbestos; removal was almost undoable; costs expected to exceed 1 billion dollar. The 911 attack provided an opportunity for renewal of the complex (at the cost of european insurers: Allianz, Lloyds, Swiss Re, Zurich FS and others)
1:22:00 – companies were moved within the twin towers prior to 9/11; mysterious construction work was going on in the vacated spaces; people coming to work in the morning noticed that the office spaces were very dusty (implication: construction workers had worked at night ’preparing’ the building)
1:25:40 – view on the size of the fireball in comparison to the entire length of the building: a sphere at least one quarter of the entire building. Note that a second fireball was present at the point of impact.
For people who prefer reading about the collapse of the World Trade Centre here is one of the classic documents about the event from Steven Jones: "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?".
At this point only one conclusion can be drawn: the WTC-buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. No doubt about it.
Conclusion: ACT can be scrapped from our short list of possible suspects. Unless you want to assume that 19 Arabs not only hijacked 4 planes but also planted charges in the WTC just to make sure that a lot of damage would be created (in which case the whole point of hijacking of planes would be superfluous in the first place) we have to assume that a different scenario took place: inside job. What about the combination of LIHOP and demolition? Like: a government institution somehow knew of the plans of the Arabs beforehand and decided to 'help' a bit by planting the charges for them? This would draw a bill on the reliability of the Arabs to 'stick to their word' and 'show up' in time. Theoretically possible, but not very likely. Much more likely is that both events (planes and demolitions) were controlled by one invisible hand...
So the Arabs are out. Without much ado I present here an 'educated speculation' of what could have taken place before and at 9/11 if one accepts the thesis that the WTC buildings were blown up and I will try to back that story up later with snippets of evidence and facts available.This storyline is essentially the same as the attention drawer at the top of this blog plus some added comments.
Here we go...
Central Story Line
It was a masterly plot, carried out by a handfull of Israelis and dual passport 'Americans'. Larry Silverstein leases a nearly worthless WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbest the buildings were stuffed with) weeks before 9/11, makes sure it is over-ensured against terrorist acts, tellingly with a german ensurer, next hires an israeli security firm and in the 2-3 weekends before 9/11 cuts off power in all the WTC buildings with 'maintenance' as an excuse, so the buildings are virtually empty and the demolition experts can work undisturbed. At that moment the coast is clear to let a team of demolition experts from the israeli army led by Peer Segalovitz into the WTC buildings. These charges plus detonators had been prepared at the premises of the Urban Moving Systems company, a Mossad front. During these weekends these prepared charges were loaded into vans, driven into the basement of WTC next to the elevator shaft, unloaded into the elevator, and lifted onto the roof of the elevator through the openening in the elevator ceiling. Next the elevator moved from floor to floor while charges where being attached to the columns as displayed in this video from 0:22 onwards. The detonators of these charges were radiographic controlled and finally detonated from WTC7 on the day of 9/11.
Now we need to get rid of Atta and the other Arabs in order to keep our narrative alive. Although a number of hijackers have been reported to be alive after 9/11 there is no doubt about the existence of a real Mohammed Atta who lived in Hamburg and who disappeared in the summer of 2000. Let's speculate to see how far we can get (there is no proof for this whatsoever)...
Fast backward, Hamburg 54 Marienstrasse, july 2000, 22:40. Mohamed Atta, Al Shehhi and Jarrah, who share the apartment hear the ringing of the door bell. Jarrah opens the door, 5 masked men make their way into the apartment with drawn pistols. The 3 Arabs are forced to lay on the ground. Their passports are confiscated, next the 3 men are made unconscious with some liquid and strangled to death afterwards. The bodies are carried out of the apartment into a van and driven off towards a desolate spot at the boarding of the Elbe river outside Hamburg and disposed of into the river with a bag filled with stones tied to their feet. The 3 passports are now in the possession of the agents of the Mossad, who carried out the raid on the apartment and 3 Arabs have vanished without anybody knowing that they are dead. Not long after the raid the 3 passports are given to 3 israeli agents who were selected on having some resemblance with the 3 Arabs just killed. They make for America soon afterwards in the summer of 2000 and start laying a trail at flight schools, posing with the stolen identities from the 3 Arabs killed.
[as an aside: many other scenarios are possible. For instance that the real Atta did indeed make it to America and took up flying courses. What speaks against the real Atta showing up at the flight school though is that the rather boorish behaviour of Atta in America does not match with his polite and shy behaviour in Hamburg. Also there is the incident with dutch flight school owner Rudy Deckers, who learnes that Atta is from Hamburg and starts talking to Atta in german. The real Atta is fluent in german, however this Atta seems to be unpleasantly surprised and walkes away without saying anything. Let's stick with the Elbe river scenario for the moment until something better comes up.]
Meanwhile the israeli Michael Goff working for PTech, using his secure channel with Amit Yoran somehow manages to give israeli army computer programmers access to critical computer code. It was due to this manipulation that the hijackings on 9/11 remained unnoticed by the flight controller of Norad. Once this was in place the planes could be taken over by remote control and flown into the World Trade Center.
As an aside Dick Eastman comes with the interesting suggestion that this idea of electronic hijacking of planes has been tested before 9/11 on the Air Egypt 990 machine that crashed ino the Atlantic on october 31, 1999.
Now everything was in place to commit the crime of the century. On the day of 9/11 the israeli stand-ins for the 'arab hijackers' showed up at the predestined departure airports to make sure they were captured on surveillance camera's. The crucial point here is that the security at both the departure airports was in hands of an israeli firm, a subsidiary of the dutch based but israeli owned ICTS led by a fellow named Menahem Atzmon. And this is crucial: Atzmon used to be a collegue with Olmert in 1998. So there you have the link between the 9/11 operative level (an airport security firm) and the highest level of israeli politics. What happened on the morning of 9/11 was that after the israeli stand-ins were captured on camera, they left the airport via a side entrance and the show could begin. Minutes after the planes became airborn somebody somehow was able to send a signal to the planes via the transponders, causing the control panels to be disabled and the flight destination altered. What happened was that an anti-hijack system was activated (code word 'home run') and the regular pilot was put out of control. This pilot will probably have tried frantically te regain control of his aircraft. It is not very likely he will have told his passengers about the new situation since that would only cause panic. The passengers probably suspected nothing and hence had no reason to make any phone calls to the relatives (the reported phones calls were all fake; more on that later), though they probably were very puzzled to discern the New York sky line all over sudden, but then it was too late. BANG!!
Meanwhile on the other side of the Hudson river the members of the israeli team that planted the demolition charges were waiting for things to happen. And while the rest of New York experienced in horror the events that were unfolding that day, the demoliton experts were celebrating and high-fiving. The plot had worked out according to plan beautifully.
Here ends the overview of an alternative hypothesis concerning the events of 9/11. The remainder of this blog will be used to discussing material of isolated parts of this integral story, like remote control, the fake phone calls, bin Laden, security firms, demolition, etc.
Let's start building up support for this ICT hypothesis.
More on the core of the argument
'What proof do you have for your story?'
This is the recurring question adherents of the Official Conspiracy Theory keep asking, implicitly suggesting that they themselves do possess proof of their OCT, which is not the case.
Let's put it this way...
Suppose you are participating in one of those television games shows where you have to guess a hidden word. On the basis of your efforts in the show you got to the point that you reached this pattern:
You need 4 more letters to know the solution. In theory there are 26*26*26*26 = some 400,000 solutions to the problem. In practice however you can deduce from the context that the second letter almost certainly must be an 'E'. The fourth letter can only be a C, F, L, M, N, R, S.
With this knowledge in your brain you scan the possibilities and after half a minute or so you will find the most likely solution:
Can you 'prove' this? No. But the game show rules dictate that you have to give the answer in 1 minute, so you take the risk and say the solution is DEBUNKER. And the game show host to your relief will tell you that it was the right answer and that you can go home with your 64,000 dollar.
It is much the same with solving 9/11. The '9/11 solution space' seems almost infinite but on closer review it is not. Most sane people without an agenda who give 9/11 a closer inspection come to the conclusion that the OCT does not add up.
It starts with the acknowledgment of the obvious controlled demolition of the WTC. Once you accept this the 'Arab hijackers' are almost certainly out. Reasonable follow-up conclusion --> 9/11 = inside job.
Next observation: dancing Israelis who turned out to be Mossad agents. --> Israeli involvement. This is affirmed with the involvement of Silverstein, also by the Israeli firms who handled the security of the departure airports and the WTC, by Zakheim's role, the Odigo story, etc., etc.
Next deduction: if there were no Arab suicide pilots but that instead 9/11 was an American or Israeli inside job than some form of remote controlled airplanes must have been used. Americans or Israeli do not do suicide missions.
Next deduction: there were said to be phone calls from the airplanes that stated that the planes were hijacked by Arabs with box cutters. This was how the blame was laid with the Arabs. We have already accepted that there were no Arabs, so the phone calls had to be fake. The only way we can explain these phone calls is with voice morphing. The technology was available. Hence the idea of a war room operating on the morning of 9/11.
My whole story presented here is a consequence of 2 observations:
1. controlled demolition of WTC
2. the dancing Israelis
The rest follows by reasonable deduction. This is not enough for conviction but more than enough for reopening the 9/11 investigation (but certainly not by the US-government).
More on 9/11 motives
The essence of the motive behind 9/11 was to copy Pearl Harbor. In the american psyche Pearl Harbor is linked to something positive. Pearl Harbor was the catalyst that helped overcome America's dominant isolationist tendencies. It represented the mobilisation of the american people to unite in a battle against an external enemy. Pearl Harbor is symbolic for the most glorious victory America ever achieved. It represents the transformation of provincial backwater USA into global super power nr 1.
The idea behind 9/11 was to copy the Pearl Harbor succes story to initiate the final transformation of global superpower into the global hegemon, challenged by none. 9/11 was motivated by nothing less than an attempt to a global coup d'état.
The cynical criminal intent of the zionist 9/11 perpetrators was to create a number of victims comparable to the scale of Pearl Harbor in order to achieve a comparable mobilising effect.
With regard to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 the saying: 'the first time a tragedy, the second time a farce' applies unrestricted. Too many people see through the farce that 9/11 was, thanks mainly to the internet, the worst thing ever happened to the American Zionists, since it circumvented their media monopoly, a fact possibly not entirely appreciated in 2001, when the web was only 5 years old. 9/11 will prove to be the turning point in zionist power in America. The open question is how it will come to an end?
Ron Paul put it like this: Amazingly, Ledeen calls Pearl Harbor a 'lucky' event. The Project for a New American Century, as recently as September 2000, likewise, foresaw the need for 'a Pearl Harbor event' that would galvanize the American people to support their ambitious plans to ensure political and economic domination of the world, while strangling any potential 'rival.'
It was the zionist Ledeen who proposed that America every now and then should throw a 'crappy little country' against the wall to make clear to the rest of the world that America means business.
America is ruled by criminals but not much longer. People like Ledeen better stay clear of massive walls themselves.
The fake 9/11 phone calls
The phone calls supposedly made from the hijacked 9/11 airplanes are an essential part of the ACT, i.e. the Arabs-did-it story. It is from these phone calls that the myth was created that the airplanes had been hijacked by middel eastern looking man with boxcutters. Additionally the story of the heroic 'let's roll' action stems from calls made with passenger cell phones. Regarding the story of the phone calls we basically follow the arguments of prof. David Ray Griffin plus some insights of our own. This is the article, dating from september 9, 2008. please read the chapter:
3. Was Evidence of Muslim Hijackers Provided by Phone Calls from the Airliners?
I am not going to reproduce the chapter here, just give a short summary.
Griffin basically denies that it has been proven that any cell phone calls have been made from any of the 4 airplanes, except, maybe 2 calls from flight93 while the plane was at low altitude, shortly before the crash. Griffin states that at the given height of 30.000+ feet and a cruising speed of say 500 mph succesfully using cell phones from an airplane in 2001 was technically impossible.
There was, however, a big problem with these reported calls: Given the technology available in 2001, cell phone calls from airliners at altitudes of more than a few thousand feet, especially calls lasting more than a few seconds, were not possible, and yet these calls, some of which reportedly lasted a minute or more, reportedly occurred when the planes were above 30,000 or even 40,000 feet. This problem was explained by some credible people, including scientist A.K. Dewdney, who for many years had written a column for Scientific American.
The information about said phone calls was delivered by the FBI. The FBI had a habit of changing it's story:
This suspicion is reinforced by the FBI's change of story in relation to United Flight 93. Although we were originally told that this flight had been the source of about a dozen cell phone calls, some of them when the plane was above 40,000 feet, the FBI gave a very different report at the 2006 trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker. The FBI spokesman said: "13 of the terrified passengers and crew members made 35 air phone calls and two cell phone calls."38 Instead of there having been about a dozen cell phone calls from Flight 93, the FBI declared in 2005, there were really only two.
Griffin nevertheless accepts that relatives of the 9/11 passengers did indeed receive phone calls, but concludes that these calls must have been faked considering the high speed and altitude of the planes and the latest data provided by the FBI.
If the truth of the FBI's new account is assumed, how can one explain the fact that so many people had reported receiving cell phone calls? In most cases, it seems, these people had been told by the callers that they were using cell phones. For example, a Newsweek story about United 93 said: "Elizabeth Wainio, 27, was speaking to her stepmother in Maryland. Another passenger, she explains, had loaned her a cell phone and told her to call her family."40 In such cases, we might assume that the people receiving the calls had simply mis-heard, or mis-remembered, what they had been told. But this would mean positing that about a dozen people had made the same mistake.
An even more serious difficulty is presented by the case of Deena Burnett, who said that she had received three to five calls from her husband, Tom Burnett. She knew he was using his cell phone, she reported to the FBI that very day and then to the press and in a book, because she had recognized his cell phone number on her phone's Caller ID.41 We cannot suppose her to have been mistaken about this. We also, surely, cannot accuse her of lying.
This means that somebody else made these phone calls with the intention of setting the myth of the Arab hijackers into the world. This might seem outlandish at first but here is a theory of how it might have been done. What is needed in order to make several phone calls to relatives of people who are on board of a hijacked airplane (either electronically hijacked or hijacked by Arabs)?
- passenger lists of hijacked aircraft
- phone numbers of relatives of some of the passengers
- sound samples of passengers whose voice you want to fake
Griffin says this about faking of voices:
First, voice morphing technology was sufficiently advanced at that time to make faking the calls feasible. A 1999 Washington Post article described demonstrations in which the voices of two generals, Colin Powell and Carl Steiner, were heard saying things they had never said.
Second, there are devices with which you can fake someone's telephone number, so that it will show up on the recipient's Caller ID.
Regarding the passenger lists: many people book their flights weeks in advance. This information is stored in the computer of the airline company. This information can be accessed from many sources like travel agencies. This information is not public domain but it is not highly classified information either. Assuming that the date of 9/11 had been set days if not weeks in advance it should not be too difficult for a secret service like the Mossad to retrieve the data of at least a number of the passengers that were to fly on 9/11 on these particular aircraft. But what about the sound samples necessary to fake the voices of the passengers using sound morphing technologies. The answer to that came to me like a flash of insight while reading this.
The article, titled:
'Trojan horse - How Israeli Backdoor Technology Penetrated the US Government's Telecom System and Compromised National Security'
...is about large scale israeli infiltration of computer systems of the american government. Although in itself fully unrelated to 9/11, it immediately drew my attention. Said infiltratons had started since the end of the nineties, that is a number of years before 9/11.
Further on in the article the israeli firm Amdocs is mentioned. Amdocs... Amdocs...
I recalled that Amdocs had also been mentioned by Bollyn in his article about the perpetrators of 9/11.
Here is the interesting part:
Guardium is closely connected with other companies of the Israeli military intelligence network in the United States. Some of the key Israeli-run companies linked to Guardium are Amdocs, ViryaNet, Nice Systems, and CreoScitex. Like Guardium, these companies are all run by senior officers of Israeli military intelligence.
That's it! That's the link between this infiltration and 9/11! Read this in the Antiwar.com article:
Department of Justice, FBI, DEA, the State Department, and the White House. Several of the alleged breaches, these agents say, can be traced to two hi-tech communications companies, Verint Inc. (formerly Comverse Infosys), and Amdocs Ltd., that respectively provide major wiretap and phone billing/record-keeping software contracts for the US government.
What this means is: once the Mossad has a list of future passengers in its possession, it can call it's buddies at Verint and Amdocs companies with the request of wiretapping the people on the list and to record sound samples that can be used to fake passenger voices.
This is the solution of the 9/11 phone calls, which was essential in getting the Arabs-did-it-deception accepted!
So this is what happened on 9/11: nobody had an idea of what was going on until the planes hit the WTC-towers, except for the airline pilots, who had discovered that they no longer controlled their planes and who frantically tried to regain control, without telling the passengers to avoid panic. In the mean time some israeli agent, feet on his desk, is dialing a relative using his voice morphing device with call-ID-faker, and is telling this person that he cannot talk for long but that the plane he is in, is hijacked. And that he loves her and the kids and that he must hang up. This he repeates several times and then his job is done.
Here is a link to a device that is commercially available with which one can simulate somebody else his cell phone (caller ID spoofing and voice changing). In other words: the receiver sees on his display the number and hears the voice of the familiar person, although this is not the person that really makes the phone call. Something similar no doubt has been used during 9/11 by the Mossad.
P.S. Dutch site that has an interview with David Ray Grifin:
"Maar spraken ze werkelijk met andere mensen. Als je de transcripties leest die ons zijn verschaft, dan lijkt het niet alsof ze een interactief gesprek voeren, het zijn allemaal éénrichting dingen die iedereen kan hebben gezegd, het is meer zoals: “Hallo mam, we zitten achterin het vliegtuig, we maken ons klaar om iets te gaan doen, ik moet nu ophangen, dag.” Ze hadden geen gesprekken waaruit blijkt dat ze echt met hun zoon, man of vrouw spraken. En we hebben een heel goed bewijs dat dat zeker niet het geval is met het bekende geval van Mark Bingham, die zegt: “Hallo mam, dit is Mark Bingham.” Wie heeft ooit met zijn moeder gesproken en daarbij zijn achternaam genoemd? Dat is zo absurd!"Translation:
but did they really speak with other people? If you read the transcripts that have been given to us then it seams that they are not having an interactive conversation. It is all a onewaystreet conversation of things that anybody could have said. It is like: hello Mum, we are in the back of the plane and now we prepare to do something; I have to hang up. Bye! They did not have conversations from which it becomes apparent that they are talking with a son, father or mother. And we have very good evidence that this is certainly not so in the well known case of Mark Bingham who said: "hello this is Mark Bingham". Who ever called his mother and used his lastname? That's so absurd.
Debunkers like to point to the phone call from Linda Gronlund. She called her sister and told her the secret code from the safe containing her will. How was it possible for Mossad agents to know this code. Her is a possible explanation:
It's 18:25 as Joe Deluca picks up his cell phone to call his girlfriend Linda Gronlund.
Two seconds after he selects her number from his buddy list a red light starts to blink in a gray office building in Herzliya, Israel. A girl in that office quickly puts on her headset, grabs a pencil and a writing pad and starts to listen attentively. Joe Deluca was put on a watch list after it was known that he had had booked on flight93 to San Francisco.
Linda: hello?
Joe: hi sweetheart, it's me.
Linda: Oh hi, darling!
Joe: just calling to say that I will be a little late tonight. Did you have dinner?
Linda: no, not yet. I had a busy day. I can wait for you to come home so we can have dinner together.
Joe: fine. Did you go to the notary today?
Linda, yeah, I did. Went very smooth actually. I just had to sign and I could take a copy of my will with me. I have put the papers on the pile of mail on the drawer I have to work through but I am too tired now. I'll do that after we return from Frisco. I am really looking forward to that trip next week.
Joe: yeah, me too. OK, I have to hang up. I'll see you in an hour. I have forgotten to bring the keys though.
Linda: Oh, I'll take a bath first. Just in case I am not ready, you know where to find the key, do you?
Joe: sure, see you later.
In the office the girl puts off her headset and leans backward and muses for 10 minutes and then starts to smile...
On the morning of 9/11 a car is parked 50 meters from Linda Gronlund's house with a man sitting in it. Although it is still dark, the man is wearing sunglasses and is reading a newspaper with 2 holes in it, just not to draw attention. At 6:05 Linda Gronlund leaves her house. When her car is out of sight, the man leaves his car, walks towards the house with a metal box under his arm.Without hesitation he takes a key from under a flower pot, opens the door and goes in to return after 5 minutes without the metal box. He steps into the car and drives off.
P.S. march 12, 2009. Today a new article from C. Ketcham about Israeli eavesdropping in the US telecom systems. It is clear from this article that long before 9/11 Israel was able to listen in on most of the telephone conversations on US soil. Hence there can be no doubt that the Mossad was able to collect data and sound samples from future 9/11 passengers.
Dancing Israelis or Urban Movers planting explosives at the WTC
Url: http://www.youtube.com/v/tRfhUezbKLw
Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16mjRlS9fRs
A 911 classic: The dancing Israelies. These guys, all Mossad agents, where caught filming 9/11 events, celebrating and high-fiving while the WTC-towers were burning and people in death agony were jumping towards their death. One thing was clear: they were expecting the event and they liked the result. Due to angry residents who made an anonymous phone call to the police they were arrested.

This minor event and the Odigo messages were early indications for israeli involvement in 9/11. It was this little carelessness that might potentially roll back a zionist power position that was build up in more than a century, but I digress.
Lucky for the detainees the zionist Chertoff, from his high ranking position in the department of justice, was able to get them released so they could leave the country quietly and make the appearance on israeli television. The most crucial question was not asked in that video: how did they know about the inpending attacks? Answer: they organized the event themselves.
According to the ICT the 3 guys shown in the first video from 1:20 onwards are the ones (amongst others) that planted the demolition charges in the WTC-building.
From this article from antiwar.com:
The New Jersey connection recalls the infamous incident involving the “dancing Israelis,” arrested on 9/11 when seen leaping and dancing for joy in a park overlooking the Hudson River as the World Trade Center burned. The five detainees were Israeli citizens who worked for a New Jersey moving company, Urban Moving Systems, and were held for months while being repeatedly interrogated as to their knowledge of the events surrounding 9/11. The owner, Dominick Suter, fled to Israel after the feds raided his business, and The Forward speculated that the company was a thinly-disguised Mossad front.
Related to this:
“Chertoff allowed scores of suspected Israeli terrorists and spies to quietly return to Israel. In several cases, Israeli suspects working for phoney moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems from Weehawken, N.J., were caught driving moving vans which tested positive for explosives. On September 14, Dominic Suter, the owner of the moving company, which was found to be a Mossad front company, fled to Israel after FBI agents requested a second interview… One group of 5 Israelis was seen on the roof of Urban Moving Systems videotaping and celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center. These Israeli agents were returned to Israel on visa violations… These Israeli suspects, and others, who had apparently transported explosives in the New York area, were allowed to return to Israel without being properly interrogated or their presence and activities in the United States having been vigorously investigated. ”
This blog entry from june 2008 has some very interesting information about a financial transaction to the tune of $665,000...
Here is the link to the transaction.
So, Urban Moving Systems received a 'business loan' from the US-government.
the blog entry ends with:
So, the Dancing Israelis Inc. (TM) received half a million dollars from uncle sam in June of 2001. The owner fled to Israel, rather than be questioned by FBI, and the place was raided by tons of agents after 9/11.
Taking a cue from Dr. Jones, I checked EBay. Thermite is on sale right now for $10/lb.
Assuming a bulk discount more in line with $5/ lb, a half million dollars would buy (correction) one hundred thousand pounds of thermite.
I’m not saying that’s what happened.
I’m not saying it isn’t.
Isn't the internet fun?
Url: http://www.youtube.com/v/Lb3A16qCjA8&hl=nl&fs=1
And here a CNN-video of the day of 9/11 itself, with a report that a van full with explosives was detained at the Washington Bridge.
Never heard anything from it again of course.
Unfortunately we are unable to ask the owner of Urban Moving Systems Company, Dominick Sutter, any questions.
He left the country immediately after 9/11.
For Israel.
Here is a scan of a document confirming the transaction plus additional information like this:
On September 10, 2001, the Army School of Advanced Military Studies issued a report written by elite US army officers, which was made public just prior to 9/11. The report gave the following description for the Mossad: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." [Washington Times, 9/10/01]
Ruthless and cunning indeed.
And finally this:
On September 14, Dominic Suter, the owner of the moving company, left the country very abruptly after FBI agents indicated that they wanted a second interview with him. According to ABC News’ 20/20 [ABC News 6/21/02], “Three months later 20/20’s cameras photographed the inside of Urban Moving, and it looked as if the business had been shut down in a big hurry. Cell phones were lying around; office phones were still connected; and the property of dozens of clients remained in the warehouse. The owner had also cleared out of his New Jersey home, put it up for sale and returned with his family to Israel.” [New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, 12/13/01; Gotham Gazette 11/2/01; ABC News, 6/21/02; Forward, 3/15/02]
The five employees that were taken into custody were all former members of the Israeli Army.
So, those 5 guys were all soldiers from the israeli army and were purely coincidentally all working as movers in New York.
It woud be interesting for a 911-researcher to find out where in the US one can buy large amounts of thermite. Probably not with Walmart. Such a transaction should be possible to retrieve. Purchase probably done between june and september 2001 en very likely temporary stored in the shabby premises of Urban Moving Systems inc.
Next, the israeli demolition expert Peer Segalovitz and his team enter the scene to place the charges in the WTC-complex during the weekends when the complex is virtualy empty because the power is switched off due to maintenance work. The charges had been prepared in the warehouse of Urban Moving Systems, prepackaged with a radiographic controlled detonator attached to it. 600.000$ reeived from the US-government should be enough to complete this job. With everything prepared the charges are loaded in to vans, driven into the basements of the respective WTC-buildings, parked next to the elevator shaft. The charges are unloaded into the elevator and lifted onto the roof of the elevator through the opening in the elevator ceiling. Next the elevator moved from floor to floor while charges where being attached to the columns. It should be possible to complete this job with a crew of 10 in 2 weekends or so. On the day of 9/11 the charges were exploded from a control center located in WTC-7.
Very clever but not clever enough.
It is also clear with the benefit from hindsight why all the WTC scrap metal had to be shipped to China and India, without being subjected to a proper forensic investigation. If the steel had been properly investigated, as it should have been, it had soon become clear that the columns buried under the rubble had been cut in regular distances with traces of thermite and molten steel at the edges. That had to be avoided at all cost and thus the hurry to get the evidence out of the country.
The link between Olmert and 9/11
This is was Bollyn has to say about it:
Olmert, who has a long history of involvement in Israeli financial crimes, was indicted on charges of aggravated fraud, falsifying corporate documents, and violations of the tax code and Party Funding Law from crimes committed when he was the party treasurer for the Likud party in 1988.
Ok. So Olmert is not a guy with high ethical standards. Here comes Atzmon:
The Likud fundraising scandal culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, Olmert's co-treasurer. As the party treasurer, Olmert was indicted in the Likud crimes but received special treatment and was acquitted.
Not a nice guy either. Here comes the link of Atzmon with 9/11:
Menahem J. Atzmon, Olmert's co-defendant and ally, was convicted in Israel but went on to become the founder and head of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS). This Israeli-run company is the owner of Huntleigh-USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and Newark on 9/11.
Just for journalists, give this Atzmon chap a call: ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security) Biesbosch 225 in Amstelveen/Netherlands (020-3471077). Dial 0031 for Holland first. Ask him if he is willing to give an interview to answer akward questions about letting Atta-look-alikes escape from the airport without boarding and if he feels any remorse about the 9/11 massacre.
OK, just kiding.
So in short: here is the link between the highest level of the israeli government and the 9/11 operative level from the departure-airport-point-of-view, so to speak. Case closed. This is an essential element of the 9/11 narrative: Atzmon helped putting the Arabs-did-it-myth in the world by distributing the pictures of 'Atta' and others boarding onto the planes. That was why the Boston and Newark airports were chosen as departure airports: it was Atzmon who controlled the security. The other element was the fake telephone calls from the airplanes ('let's roll'), more on that later.
The arrival-'airport'-point-of-view has a similar link: Silverstein and Netanjahu. More on that later as well.
Dov Zakheim, remote control and the Pentagon
The essential element of the ICT proposed here is that the 9/11-planes were electronically hijacked. What evidence or hints of evidence can be produced to back this hypothesis up? For this we have to turn our attention to one of the prime suspects of being the 'mastermind' behind 9/11: Dov Zakheim.
Wikipedia has this to say about the 'bionic zionist':
From 1987-2001, Zakheim was CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of System Planning Corporation, a high-technology analytical firm. One of the products that SPC sells is the Command Transmitter System, a remote control system for planes, boats, missiles and other vehicles.
It is not entirely impossible that remote control specialist Dov might have been inspired by his job to come up with a certain devious idea.
What more can we find about rabbi Zakheim? This for example:
Not long before Rabbi Zakheim rose to power over the Pentagon’s labyrinthine, bottomless accounts, he co-authored an article entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century” which was published by The Project for a New American Century in September 2000, exactly a year before 9/11; in this article, on page 51, it is stated that “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor”!‘
The Pearl Harbor idea was his idea! Now, how can we bring about such an Pearl Harbor type of event? Let me see...
And since we are constructing devious idea's anyway why not go for the gold?
Rabbi Zakheim not only was remote control specialist, he also was very well acquinted with financial affairs of the Pentagon. In march 2001, that is 6 months before 9/11, Zakheim was appointed comptroller at the Pentagon. He was hired to shed some light about some trillions missing in the books. Now is that a coincidence or what! A guy who worked 4 years as CEO for a company specialized in remote control moves to a new job in a new building which gets hit by a plane. Remote controlled as we claim. And where did it hit? At an almost empty, newly renovated part of the Pentagon. So here comes Hanni Hanjour, dedicated to sacrifice his life in his resentment against all those Americans 'enjoying their freedoms'; he ignores breathtaking targets like the White House or Capitol Hill; he could have nose-dived in a straight line onto the Pentagon. He does not. Instead he makes an almost impossible 270 degrees turn to park his plane into exactly that spot that solved all of Zakheim's problems. Isn't that considerate of Hanni! Most members of the recently installed team of accountants and controllers get killed and with them goes a lot of records that should have been used to make clear where those missing millions went. It is not difficult to come up with hypothesis about where that money went. Probably not to Norway. For a good understanding: there was no flight77 crashing into the Pentagon. It was an explosion from inside, possibly but not necessarily and rather unlikely followed up by an impact of a small plane/drone/missile. It was likely that flight77 was destined for Pentagon indeed, but that something went wrong with the remote control, like that the control panel got disabled but that no target or a wrong target made it through the transponder. Since a plane cannot crash on land unnoticed it must have been dived into the ocean, possibly after it was shot down by a fighter jet, just to prevent it would crash in France or Morocco after it had run out of gas.
So much for the motive.
How about the technicalities? Was it possible in the first place, this remote control idea? The first one to come up with the idea that 9/11 was carried out using remote controlled planes was Joe Vialls, as far as I am aware, as early as october 2001, one month after the event:
"In the mid-seventies America faced a new and escalating crisis, with US commercial jets being hijacked for geopolitical purposes. Determined to gain the upper hand in this new form of aerial warfare, two American multinationals collaborated with the Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA) on a project designed to facilitate the remote recovery of hijacked American aircraft. Brilliant both in concept and operation, “Home Run” [not its real code name] allowed specialist ground controllers to listen in to cockpit conversations on the target aircraft, then take absolute control of its computerized flight control system by remote means."
Vialls qualifies himself as 'a former member of the Society of Licenced Aeronautical Engineers & Technologist, London'.
That could possibly be an explanation of 9/11. If the government can use 'home run' to take over hijacked planes and bring them safely down to some airport, the same government (or let's say the proverbial norwegian hacker) could fly these planes into the WTC-buildings.
What evidence can we find that 'home run' was operational at 9/11 in the planes that struck WTC-1/2? Vialls suggests 'home run' was operational:
"The engineers had no idea that almost thirty years after its initial design, Home Run’s top secret computer codes would be broken, and the system used to facilitate direct ground control of the four aircraft used in the high-profile attacks on New York and Washington on 11th September 2001."
Was it operational?
Here is a video about Zakheim:
Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcM42FVyy1A
At 3:25 it gets espescially interesting. According to a brochure of SPC, the company Zakheim was CEO of, SPC was able to deliver systems that were able to remote control as much as eight planes at the same time.
Four would do, thank you.
An indication that all four aircraft were hijacked is this:
Once the correct target aircraft is located by radar, the Home Run duplex data bus "piggy backs" the transponder channel and assumes direct control from the ground. This could explain why NONE of the four aircraft sent the special "I have been hijacked" transponder code (7500), despite _multiple activation points_ for this distress transmission on all four aircraft-and despite being flown by combat-hardened ex-fighter pilots.
Because the transponder frequency had already been piggy-backed by Home Run, transmission of the special hijack code was rendered impossible. This was the first hard proof that the target aircraft had been hijacked electronically from the ground, rather than by Arab patsies toting box-cutters.
This is the type of aircraft we are talking about:
Flight | Aircraft Type |
11 | Boeing 767-223ERt |
175 | Boeing 767-200ER |
77 | Boeing 757-223 |
93 | Boeing 757-200 |
Look what we have found here:
“The fully digital FCS-700 triplex autopilot and flight director system, with fail-operational automatic landing capability, was designed for Boeing 767 and 757 transports.”
This implies that all 9/11-aircraft were capable of full-automatic landing capabilities. As a pilot on route from New York to London I can type a target destination into the console and ask the stewardess to wake me up at the end of the airstrip in London and next take a nap. So to speak.
If all this capability is confirmed to be in place then it is only a small step to have an added technical capability of sending a signal with a new target destination and have the console disabled. This explains perfectly why there was no 'I am hijacked' signal from all four planes! All flight controls were disabled, including the 'I am hijacked' buttons.
Was this added technical capability present or not?
Or alternatively: was it possible to manipulate the control software aboard the airliners to implement an ad hoc ‘home run’-system?
This link provides a hint to an answer.
First a confirmation from what re read earlier in janes.com:
U.S. federal government and civil aviation industry publications describe the development and implementation pre-September 11, 2001, of state-of-the-art systems capable of facilitating precise automated navigation of the Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft used that day to a given destination.
And then it comes:
On October 9, 2001, Cubic Defense Systems, Inc. applied for a U.S. patent that removes control of an aircraft from its pilot and utilizes an aircraft’s auto-pilot system to implement an uninterruptable pre-programmed autopilot flight plan in order to navigate an aircraft to a given destination during an emergency. This would be accomplished through the use of an electronic or mechanical relay or relays, that become activated by pilot operation of an aircraft hijack notification system. Surprisingly to some, none of the four aircraft destroyed on September 11, 2001 are known to have entered unique transponder hijack notification codes, suggesting either modified function or insufficient activation time. One optional feature of the Cubic system is termination of an aircraft’s ability to communicate.
The system also envisions the use of new aircraft flight instructions transmitted by a remote sender, that would override aircraft functions already underway and direct an aircraft auto-pilot system to navigate an aircraft to a predetermined landing destination.[25] A data link interface between an aircraft Flight Management System (FMS) and the Management Unit for the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS), was developed during the early 1990s. This communication system allows for the update an aircraft FMS in mid-flight.
Here is US-patent 6,641,087, which was filed less than a month after 9/11 and granted on november 4, 2003.
Anti-hijacking system operable in emergencies to deactivate on-board flight controls and remotely pilot aircraft utilizing autopilot.
In an anti-hijacking system for autopilot equipped aircraft, a transceiver communicates with at least one remote guidance facility. A panic button is activated by flight crew in case of hijacking. A manager is coupled to the transceiver and the panic button, as well as existing avionics including the aircraft’s master computer and autopilot. Optionally, a relay is coupled between the pilot controls and selected aircraft flight systems. The manager recognizes predetermined override inputs, such as activation of the panic button or receipt of override signals from the remote guidance facility. Responsive to the override input, the manager deactivates on-board control of selected aircraft flight systems and the autopilot system, and directs the autopilot to fly the aircraft to a safe landing. Flight routing and landing instructions are obtained from the remote guidance facility, or by self-evaluating nearby airports in view of the aircraft’s position and various preestablished criteria.
Here is another pointer towards remote control of airplanes at the time of 9/11:
Here is an old article in the largest German weekly Der Spiegel, published 6 weeks after 9/11.
Title: Entführte Maschinen landen selbständig (hijacked planes land automatically).
A few highlights:
In Amerika arbeiten Ingenieure daran, entführte Maschinen künftig durch einen verbesserten Autopiloten ohne Hilfe des Cockpits auf dem nächstgelegenen Flughafen zu landen - ein Notschalter, von der Crew oder der Bodenkontrolle betätigt, soll dann die Hebel im Flugzeug blockieren und den Entführern die Kontrolle aus der Hand nehmen. (In America engineers are working on a system with which hijacked planes can land at a nearby airport through an upgraded version of the autopilot, without any help from the cockpit, by pressing on an emergency button by the crew or ground control, which will block all controls).Interesting!
Wie jetzt bekannt wurde, haben Techniker des US-Luftfahrt- und Rüstungskonzerns Raytheon bereits im August ein mit einem speziellen Notlandesystem ausgestattetes Passagierflugzeug sechsmal erfolgreich auf dem Militärflughafen Holloman in New Mexico gelandet ohne dass die Piloten den Flugplatz angesteuert hätten. (It is now known that technicians of US-aerospace and defense contractor Raytheon as early as August 2001 carried out six successful emergency landings on military airport Holloman using a special emergence landing system without the pilot aiming for this particular airport.)
Conclusion: the aerospace industry was actively working on a 'home run' system before 9/11. I am not suggesting that the 9/11 planes were steered into their targets by this Raytheon system. I am suggesting though that there probably was an 'arms race' going on between several aerospace firms like Raytheon and Boeing and others on the issue of anti-hijack rescue systems.
And nobody else was better placed to know about the state of the art of remote controlled airplanes technology than 9/11 mastermind Dov Zakheim, who at that time had been CEO of SPC that was active in this market for remote control of airplanes.
No longer is there any doubt that tested and working aircraft remote control systems were around at the time of 9/11. What needs to be proven is that those systems were installed on the 9/11 desaster aircraft. Or alternatively that a plane swap took place.
Remote Control Scenario
Here is how remote control could have been carried out.
The plane taxis from its parking position to the start of the runway, meanwhile observed by an agent. On the very moment that the pilot gives full throttle the agent pushes a button. Via a transmitter a timer within the plane is activated. After 20 minutes or so the countdown is completed and a valve is opened of a capsule that was hidden within the air conditioner duct near the cockpit and Kolokol-1, an incapacitating agent is released which makes the pilot unconscious within 1-3 seconds.
Kolokol-1 (Russian: Колокол, eng. bell) is an opiate-derived, incapacitating agent. Although the exact nature of the active chemical has not been revealed, it is a derivative of the drug fentanyl, possibly the extraordinarily potent carfentanil or 3-Methylfentanyl. It takes effect very quickly, within one to three seconds, reportedly rendering its victims unconscious for two to six hours. Little else is known about this agent.
A few minutes later a signal from the ground is send to the aircraft containing an updated flight path.
The modern FMS was introduced on the Boeing 767 (both twin towers planes were B767’s).
The flight plan is generally determined on the ground, before departure either by the pilot for smaller aircraft or a professional dispatcher for airliners. It is entered into the FMS either by typing it in, selecting it from a saved library of common routes or (Company Routes) or via a datalink with the airline dispatch center.
VHF data link: Ground->ACARS->FMC->FCC->Autopilot Servos.
ACARS-FMC-FCC are interconnected via a ARINC databus.
ACARS - Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System
FCC - Flight Control Computer
FMC - Flight Management Computer
This was enough so send the planes on course to New York.
Who could have send the updated flight paths to the doomed airplanes? A possible candidate is the flight controller Pete Zalewski. He ‘handled’ not only both flight 11 & 175, but also Egypt Air 990, that had crashed into the Atlantic in 1999. Some see this event as a ‘dress rehearsel’ for 9/11. His behaviour was peculiar in that he did not follow procedures but spent too much time in trying to contact the airplanes after the transponders had been switched off. Instead he should have warned his superiors that something was wrong. He could have used this time to send an updated flight path to the planes.
Pentagon attack motive
Download this two part interview: part 1 and part 2.
It gets especially interesting in the second part from minute 5:20 on, but the mp3 is interesting in its entirety (1 hour). Here Dick Eastman discusses the intriguing possibility that Egypt Air Flight 990, that crashed into the Atlantic in october 31, 1999, was also remote controlled rather than downed by a suicidal pilot. Interesting detail is that many high ranking egyptian officers were on board. Eastman suspects that Flight 990 served as a dress rehearsal for 9/11.
Further on in the program our old friend israeli Dov Zakheim is mentioned; it get's interesting from 45:20 (part 2). Eastman explains that 2 groups had recently moved into the renovated part of the Pentagon. The first group consisted in a number of army financial auditors that had started to investigate what had happened to the famously missing 2.3 trillion dollar that had vanished from the Pentagon books.
What happened to them:
From The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 20, 2001:
"One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck."
The Arlington County After-Action Report noted that the
"impact area included both the Navy operations center and the office complex of the National Guard and Army Reserve. It was also the end of the fiscal year and important budget information was in the damaged area." And Insight Magazine editorialized that "the Department of the Army, headed by former Enron executive Thomas White, had an excuse {for not making a full accounting}. In a shocking appeal to sentiment it says it didn't publish a "stand-alone" financial statement for 2001 because of "the loss of financial-management personnel sustained during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack."
Well, that's an interesting development. And all over sudden it becomes clear why the 'terrorrists' chose such a relatively uninteresting target like this largely uninhabited part of the Pentagon; in Washington much more interesting targets were available like Capitol Hill and the White House. Moreover these 2 alternative targets were much easier to hit compared to the very difficult trajectory flight77 had to follow in order to hit were it is said it hit.
What happened to flight77 if it did not crash into the Pentagon?
First of all, solving this question is not essential. The story of what happened to WTC-1/2/7 is much better understood and that is enough to conclude that the Arabs-did-it-myth is from the table. Out of academic curiosity nevertheless some thoughts about the 9/11 events at the Pentagon.
That it is unlikely that a Boeing hit the Pentagon is demonstrated convincingly in the well known documentary 'In Plane Site'.
In addition consider this:
Ever seen this video? Probably not.
Url: http://www.youtube.com/v/n4O4R0LWCQ4&hl=nl&fs=1
This video was made with a hotel camera and was confiscated by the FBI just like all the other video's. After a lawsuit however this particular video had to be released (the judge being a closet 9/11-truther?). Content: there is an explosion but no plane.
It was not flight77 that struck the Pentagon. So much is obvious. The hole in the Pentagon is way too small for a huge Boeing passenger aircraft as is the amount of damage inflicted on to the building:

Conclusion: there was possibly no impact at all, certainly not of a Boeing passenger aircraft. A little drone at most considering the debrie. But we should be open to the possibility that no projectile hit the Pentagon at all and that the explosion originated from inside! This explains a lot. This is why the FBI had to confiscate all those video's, because it would have made clear that nothing hit the Pentagon at all. And this would have killed the Arabs-did-it-myth. How about this possibility: flight77 was destined for the Pentagon afterall but something went wrong with the remote control. It did not make it to its intended destination. So what happened to the plane? It is impossible to crash on land without being unnoticed. For lack of a better explanation we have to assume it crashed into the Atlantic or was shot down above the Atlantic. An explanation could be that something went wrong technically, that the flight control panel had become disabled but that something went wrong with putting a new target destination into the home run system, that it had missed it's intended Pentagon target and that it had become a loose canon flying west wards over the ocean. Possibly the military shot it down to prevent it from crashing in France or worse Morocco as it ran out of gas. Crashing in Morocco would have been a particular tough sell for the 'they did it because they hate our freedoms' crowd! The alternative that flight77 landed somewhere would imply that all passengers, including the lovely mrs Olson, were shot is somewhat difficult to imagine.
But then there are these eye-witnesses who saw a plane approaching the Pentagon at low altitude. What about this scenario: somebody ordered a large plane (C-130?) to carry out this manouver to resque the fligth77-crashed-into-the-Pentagon story. This plane did not fly into the Pentagon but flew over it at dangerously low altitude shortly after the internal explosion had taken place. In reality flight77 was indeed destined for the Pentagon, but the real aim for this manouver was to get rid of the Pentagon auditors who were trying to find out where the missing trillions had gone. And with the auditors a lot of inconvenient financial records would vanish for ever as well.
Here is a link to the list of Pentagon victims and the list contains many budget analysts and accountants indeed
And here is another link that gives food for thought and contains information about the people that carried out the autopsies.
Finally some additional remarks about our friend, the 'bionic zionist' and rabbi Dov Zakheim:
Dr. Zakheim is the recipient of the Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Medal (1986), the Bronze Palm to the DoD Distinguished Public Service Medal (1987), Congressional Budget Office Director’s Award for Outstanding Service (1979), and the SPC Director’s Award for Outstanding Service (1997).
This informs us that Zakheim was already intimately acquainted with budget matters as of 1979.
Combined with the fact that Zakheim spent 4 years working for the firm SPC, specialized amongst others in remote control of aircraft, we should consider Zakheim as the prime suspect of being the mastermind behind 9/11.
P.S.: this animation could explain the many eye-witness accounts that a plane did indeed approach the Pentagon:

Who were the plotters?
In this interview of Alex Jones with Andreas von Bulow, the former German Defense Minister said that 9/11 had to be carried out by a very small group of people. Alex asked him 100? 40? He said less than that.
let's start counting:
Highest level:
Mastermind: Zakheim (remote control idea & link between israeli and US-politics)
Israeli government: Olmert & Netanjahu (commanding Mossad).
US government: Cheney; gentile #1 in US-politics; dominates US-government including Bush. Cheney's role is to convert the 9/11 event into making sure the US invades Iraq & Afghanistan. Cheney is well aware of the impending oil shortages (peakoil) and wants to secure the 60% of the world's oil reserves, located in the Middle East, for the USA. Here is where American interests go hand in hand with Israeli interests as formulated in the Clean Brake document.
Operative level:
- Silverstein: leasing WTC & hiring Israeli security firm Kroll.
- Jules & Jeremy Kroll: security firm WTC, make sure Israeli demolition team has access to WTC and can work undisturbed.
- Giuliani: WTC7 command & control center; handles aftermath 'on the ground' in NY.
lower echelon:
- Goff & Yoran: link between access to production software on sensitive US institutions like NORAD; they enable Israeli software programmers to manipulates NORAD software and proably 'home run' remote control system.
- Atzmon: asked by Olmert to handle 9/11 at departure airports.
- Hauer: works for Kroll and 'does the media' on 9/11.
These are only 12 people, not counting Mossad agents, who do not need to know the big picture... just change software and plant demolitions charges , kill a few Arabs, take some flying courses and make some fake phone calls on 9/11.
That is, the plot consists of 12 core people plus 20-40 foot soldiers!
Blaming the Arabs
This is how the blame for 9/11 was put on the Arabs:
1. laying a trail to flight course's; the participants of those courses were israeli stand-ins for Atta and other Arabs. The real Atta was probably killed in Hamburg, by the Mossad, exactly what Atta's father has stated. Atta's passport was taken and his body disposed of. That passport was later 'found' undamaged in a Manhattan street on 9/11. It is possible that course students and later 'hijackers' like Hanni Hanjour were real Arabs and no Israeli stand-ins, who had taken up courses out of a hobby, which proved fateful for them, since the Mossad had found an israeli look-a-like in their own ranks. Hanni Hanjour, according to the ICT got killed shortly before 9/11.
2. The camera pictures on the 9/11 departure airports from airport security firm Huntleigh, a subsidiary of dutch based ICTS, led by the israeli convicted criminal Menachem Atzmon, who as a Likud ex-collegue was very buddy-buddy with Olmert. The only task for Atzmon was to state that the pictures of the israeli stand-ins were in reality of Atta and other Arabs. After the 'hijackers' had been captured by the security camera's the israeli agents left the airport via a side exit and thus did not enter the disaster plane they had boarded for.
3. The fake phone calls. These phone calls were essential in bringing the official ACT story in the world that the 4 planes had been hijacked by Arabs. More on that essential story element elsewhere in this blog.
4. The media did the rest. From the first moment on they put the blame on bin Laden. Key figure was Jerome Hauer, a co-conspirator, who said on the day of 9/11 that 'the day’s attacks bore “the fingerprints of Osama bin Laden'. Another example of media manipulation was captured on this video that was removed by google.
And a myth was born.
September 19, 2001: Atta’s Father Claims Son Was Framed
Mohamed Atta’s father holds a press conference in Cairo and makes a number of surprising claims. He believes that the Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, did the 9/11 attacks, and stole his son’s identity. Mohamed el-Amir claims that his son Atta was a mama’s boy prone to airsickness, a dedicated architecture student who rarely mentioned politics, and a victim of an intricate framing.
And that's exactly what happened to Mohamed Atta. His identity was stolen in order to put the blame on him and other Arabs.
9/11 operational errors
From the standpoint of the organizers 9/11 can be considered a huge succes. The 'Pearl-Harbor-event' did work out as planned and less than 2 years later a large army invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein. And almost the whole world bought the 'arabs-did-it'-story.
Nevertheless a lot went wrong. Only WTC-1/2 were a success. That's why we had these 'dancing Israelis' in the first place, these guys that had spent the weekend before 9/11 planting demolition charges inthese buildings.
Flat-out wrong went flights 77 and 93. That flight77 went wrong was the reason why all these FBI-agents had to confiscate all these video's recorded by security camera's in the neighbourhood of the Pentagon. These video's would have made clear that no plane hit the Pentagon whatsoever and that the exposion had originated from the inside of the Pentagon, which would have killed the Arabs-did-it-myth. If flight77 had made it until the Pentagon than no confiscation would have taken place and we all had seen these impact pictures from years on end just like those from WTC-1/2.
UA93 probably was shotdown in midair. Reason: flight93 had an unforseen delay of 41 minutes. Because of this the other 3 flights got so much of a headstart that by the time that WTC-1/2 had been hit and the explosion at the Pentagon had taken place the whole country knew that the US was under attack. So the surprise effect had gone. The pilot of the military jet probably got orders to shoot the plane down after is was clear that the plane was not responding and had turned into a flying bom.
Another blooper was WTC-7. There was no reason whatsoever for this building to implode as a result of external damage. More than WTC-1/2 it was obvious to many that WTC-7 had been brought down by controlled demolition. That the BBC brought a story that WTC-7 had collapsed while the building was still to be seen behind the BBC-reported increased the suspicion that WTC-7 had been a staged event. It is not clear why this building had to be brought down. Suggestions were that WTC-7 had served as a command and control center for 9/11. Maybe flight93 or a fifth airplane had been scheduled for WTC-7 but did not make it to the buildings. Or maybe the North Tower was intended to tilt northwards to fall on WTC-7. We do not know.

Peer Segalovitz, the demolition man
Christopher Bollyn points at Peer Segalovitz as the leader of the team that planted the demolition charges into the buildings of the World Trade Center. What can we find about this guy who supposedly is responsible for 3000 deaths?
He already had drawn attention towards him at the strange infiltraton attempt of socalled israeli art students in the offices of DEA.
On March 3, 2001, alerted to the Israeli “art student” invasion, the Orlando office of the DEA took one Peer Segalovitz into custody, and interrogated him for four hours. According to the DEA report:
“Segalovitz was untruthful about his reasoning to be in the United States for approximately the first 3 hours. Segalovitz finally admitted that he was one of approximately 30 Israeli art students who are currently in Florida. Segalovitz would not admit what their purpose was in Florida, but did state that they were not here for legitimate means.”
A 27-year-old officer of the Israeli special military forces, attached to the 650th battalion stationed in the Golan Heights, Segalovitz gave his rank (Lieutenant) and serial number (5087989) and said that he “specialized in demolition.”
Here is a list of 125 israeli spies identified by the Orlando D.O. on May 3, 2001:
66. SEGALOVITZ, Peer - NADDIS Negative, White, male, Nationality: Israeli, DOB: 03-16-1974, POB Israel, Address: 8187 N. University Drive Apt. 4129, Tamarac, FL, entered the U.S. on B-2 class visa on January 17, 2001. Former officer in Israeli Special Forces 605 Battalion. Israeli Military ED # 5087989. Encountered May 3, 2001 at the Orlando D.O. Occupation: Israeli Art Vendor/Student. (Identified in Paragraph 96)
And here:
96. On May 3, 2001, the DEA Orlando District Office was visited by an Israeli art student at approximately 1:00 p.m. This subject was detained and identified as Peer SEGALOVITZ (DOB: 03-16-1974). SEGALOVITZ is a 27 year old male that has been in the United States since January 17, 2001. SEGALOVITZ is in the United States on a B-2 (visitation) visa which expires July 17, 2001. INS was contacted and INS requested that DEA detain SEGALOVITZ until they could arrive to take him into custody. FBI SA John Weyrauch also responded to assist with the interrogation. SEGALOVITZ was interrogated for approximately 4 hours while waiting for INS to respond. SEGALOVITZ was untruthful about his reasoning to be in the United States for approximately the first 3 hours. SEGALOVITZ finally admitted that he was one of approximately 30 Israeli art students who are currently in Florida. SEGALOVITZ would not admit what their purpose was in Florida, but did state that they were not here for legitimate means.This could be our man. Needs to be proven of course.
97. SEGALOVITZ reluctantly stated that he was an officer of the Israeli military special forces 605 battalion in Golan Heights. SEGALOVITZ has the rank of Leiutenent and his military ID number is 5087989. SEGALOVITZ stated that he commanded approximately 80 men. SEGALOVITZ stated that he had been in infantry, but as a platoon leader he and his men specialized in demolition. SEGALOVITZ then began to explain the various types of explosives that he was familiar with and stated that his main purpose was to clear mine fields for Israeli tanks and soldiers. SEGALOVITZ acknowledged he could blow up buildings, bridges, cars and anything else that he needed too. SEGALOVITZ further stated that he was very familiar with small arms and had operational knowledge of tanks and other large military machinery. SEGALOVITZ stated that the only thing he was not trained to operate was military aircraft. SEGALOVITZ admitted that he had been in two (2) military actions in Lebanon involving explosives, these missions were to eradicate members of the Hezbolah. SEGALOVITZ asked agents not to divulge this information to Israel because it would lead to his immediate arrest in Israel,
98. SEGALOVITZ stated that he was aware of Israeli Organized Crime, involvment in drug smuggling and weapons smuggling. SEGALOVITZ admitted that he was selling art and working for his brother’s company. SEGALOVITZ identified his brother as Dror SEGALOVITZ with an address of 8187 N. University Drive Apartment 129 in Tamarac, Florida. A search of Peer SEGALOVITZ and his vehicle found numerous deposit slips, paintings, receipts for art sales and art equipment. INS SA’s Nigel Jason and Bill Forester from the Orlando INS Office responded and arrested Peer SEGALOVITZ for violation of his B-2 (visitation) visa by working in the United States.

Visualizing 9/11
This is an interesting video that can help visualizing what happened at 9/11. Four days before 9/11 this program was broadcast on tv (X-files spin-off), quit a coincidence! A Boeing gets hijacked and it is attempted to fly the machine into the WTC-towers. Fortunately we are no conspiracy nuts, (thank god we are not like that!) and we will not attempt to read much into this coincidence. Skip the nerd and start watching from 5:30 onwards:
Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcgmB6WXhkU&feature=related
This is how it went: the plane taken over by remote control. Note how the pilot reacted, not trying to cause panic by not saying the (entire) truth. This likely occured on the 9/11 planes as well. Nobody needs a stampeding herd behind you while trying to regain control over the plane. That's why nobody felt the need to call their relatives (what was not technically possible in the first place anyway).
Testing remote control: Air Egypt 990
Download this two part interview with Dick Eastman:
part 1
part 2
It gets especially interesting in the second part from 5:20 onwards. Here we are being told how EgyptAir Flight 990, with many high ranking egyptian army officers on board, was crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on october 1999 using remote. According to Dick Eastman Flight 990 served as a dress rehearsal for 9/11.
The cost of having other opinions about 9/11
Most people believe the offical ACT. A large minority (30%?) does not believe the official story but is unable to specify how 9/11 was done other than some vague 'inside job' notion. The idea that the WTC-towers have been brought down by controlled demolition is central to these ACT-sceptics. There is not a large social price tag attached to having these opinions. The worst thing that can happen to you is being called a 'conspiracy nut', wearing a 'tin foil hat' or simpy being called a moron.
Within this group of '9/11-deniers' there is small minority who suspect that 9/11 was carried out by 'the jews'. This is a far more costly opinion to carry around with you. A perfect illustration of the cost of this opinion is the following snippet from a CNN-interview with Bollyn:
Url: http://www.youtube.com/v/bB6nDk_FEBs&hl=nl&fs=1
This clip gives a good insight in the state of affairs in the US anno 2008 and how the media like CNN treat alternative explanations of 9/11. For a good order, CNN under Ted Turner was the last large network owned by a 'gentile' (non-jew). Now it is part of the largest media corporation in the world Time Warner, led by Gerald Levine, who is jewish. The program itself is presented by Paula Zahn; some source claim she is jewish herself. In any case she is married to Richard Cohen, a name we do not have to look up to research for its jewishness. The moral hypocrisy is breath-taking and typical for present day America: it is no problem at all to suppose without evidence that 9/11 was carried out by 'the Arabs' ('islamo-fascists') and to broadcast that view on a daily basis; however when one utters the possibility that things have happened somewhat differently and that maybe the israeli secret service was involved, then the moral outrage knows no limit and all means of propaganda are being used to vilify and demonise the holder of that opinion: 'absolutely incredible conspiracy theories' (as if their explanation of 9/11 is not a conspiracy theory... such a theory is deemed 'racist'... 1/3 of the Americans believe in an inside-job and a smaller portion of that believes in an even 'uglier theory'... a Boeing is being shown with a star of David on it... In minute 01:07 Bollyn appears for a brief moment... next the jewish ADL is given the microphone to put Bollyn's opinions in an 'antisemitic context' and to link it to 'hate'... and then we are being served this nasty fellow of Mark Potok, head of the SPLC (jewish/american antifa organisation); we are not informed that the SPLC/mr. Potok are jewish themselves... finally we are prsented with a little discussion with a jewish mr Gross, + 2 representatives of the so-called minorities, who finish the propaganda job... in the mean time the caption 'antisemitism & 9/11' is being displayed prominently... sentences like 'it makes you sick in the stomach'...'we have been kicked around for 2000 years'...'mentally ill'... 'jews and other minorities better get scared'... 'pogroms'... it is a perfect example of pure propaganda. At the end of the program there is a switch to that nice mister Larry King (who is jewish also), shaking his wise head begin confronted with so much stupidity and ignorance with an attitude of moral superiority, mentioning Goebbels en passant.
Propaganda in zionised America 2008. And since all 5 large national tv-networks in America are in zionist hands this is the picture that Americans are fed every day.
Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky do not care about who was behind 9/11
As a little diversion away from the difficult business of proving 9/11 one way or the other, here the opinions of two very prominent American intellectuals: Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky.
These are both left wingers and nobody accused them of being Bush-o-philes.
Nevertheless they came out with the astonishing revelation that they did not really care who committed 9/11.
Howard Zinn in Montreal and Noam Chomsky here. Chomsky ends by saying: 'even if the conspiracy theories were right... who cares' (5:21).
It is very interesting that many truthers are lefties who are very keen on bringing Bush to trial, as Chomsky admits. Chomsky and Zinn however are not interested.
How come? These are very smart guys, much smarter than the average lefty truther. Then why? The answer is that these very intelligent people know who did it or at least suspect who did it. And they would not like to see this become public knowledge. You have to consider the ethnic backgroud of Chomsky and Zinn to understand why they respond to 9/11 as they did.
But it is going to come out anyway. With devastating consequences for the current American power structure. Think of a provisional Ron Paul government after the army intervenes. Think of the events that happened in Moscow when Jeltzin took over from the communists and the Russian White House got under fire. Something similar might happen to America and something positive might come out of 9/11 after all. Let's hope that the transformation will be as smooth as it did in Russia.
About the so-called "impossibility" of keeping a secret where Chomsky talks about in the video as an argument against the inside-job notion: when Truman became president only then he was informed about the existence of the atom bomb. Up to a million people had worked on the Manhattan project and yet it remained a well kept secret until the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were vaporized by it.
The 9/11 International Tribunal
Here are some of the tasks for a 9/11 International Tribunal:
- subpoena: Dov Zakheim, Ehud Olmert, Benjamin Netanyahu, Larry Silverstein, Dick Cheney, Giuliani, Menahem Atzmon, Pete Zalewski, Peer Segalovitz, Jerome Hauer, Dominic Sutter
- Interrogate engineers from Boeing about remote control
- Find out where in the US thermite/thermate can be bought in large quantities; check if it was bought and by whom
It is obvious that this scenario can only materialize if radical changes in the American power structure will take place. I predict that these changes are coming more or less along the lines as the Sovjet power structure crumbled in 1991. The role Yeltsin played in Russia could be played by Ron Paul supported by elements of the American military.
Ron Paul provisional government

Additional material
More on the collapse of the WTC
Video: 'Improbable Collapse'Url: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=8408218426823251627
12:55 – No examples of collapse high rise steel frame work buildings due to fire in a period of 100 years.
16:50 – Buildings were totally overdesigned for calamities. Aircraft impact and jetfuel fire was incorporated into the design.
18:30 – The design could withstand a 707 which has more damaging capacity than a 676.
19:50 – NIST needs to resort to loosening of fire coating to explain the collapse. Everything was covered with fire proofing, which was undergoing an upgrade.
20:24 - According to NIST the towers would not have collapse but the impact and subsequent fires alone if the thermal isolation had not been widely dislodged.
21:00 – Deceptive test with shooting bullets at thermal isolation which caused it to dislodge. Not realistic to assume that B676 crash would cause anything similar to the test situation.
22:00 – Denial that wide scale dislodging of thermal isolation took place.
23:00 – According to NIST none of the recovered steel samples was exposed to more than 600 C for as long as 15 minutes. Only 3 of the external panels recovered had reached a temperature of 250 C.
23:30 – Less than 2% of the material from the firezone had experienced temperatures of more than 480 F, which is very low. Way too low to soften the steel.
24:30 – Illustration pancake theory. Rejection of the idea that thermal expension had caused deformation and subsequent collapse of floor panels on the basis of tests.
26:00 – None of the samples displayed signs that they had lost more than half of their strength. Also for unfireproofed steel.
27:30 – No pancaking took place. Nowhere there were piles of floors stacked up on each other to be seen. Nore is there a spindel of core columns left. The only thing to be observed is dust. And if dust is all there is than there is no mass to cause a collapse!
28:25 – Antenna goes first for 12 feet and only then things start happening below. But the plane had not cut all the core columns. It looks like all core columns had been cut.
29:10 – Picture of spire. The spire does not tip over but collapses in itself as if it has been cut into pieces.
29:55 – What can move masses out of the way? Explosives. Who in their turn create dust.
30:30 Steven Jones specialty: molten metal. All three buildings 1/2/7 had molten metal in the basement areas. Official reports say nothing about molten metal. Cannot come from fires. Only explanation is exothermic chemical reaction. Thermite most likely candidate.
32:20 – Thermite can be purchased on Ebay. Aliminium oxide is a byproduct of the thermite reaction and contributed to the dust clouds.
35:50 – Official studies cannot explain presence of sulphur found on debrie samples.
36:30 – Drawn out lawsuit of family members of victims against city of New york caused the release of transscripts of manu dozens of witnesses of explosions within WTC towers.
38:30 – Several people reported red flashes.
39:00 – Several witnesses compare it spontaneously with controlled demolitions as seen on tv.
40:20 – Superiors of firefighters forbid the firefighters to discuss the bombs planted in the buildings.
42:00 – WTC7.
44:50 – NIST admits that the ‘best hypotheses’ they can offer has in reality a low probability. They did not look into the possibility of controlled demolition.
54:00 – Several examples of media obstruction of displaying the collapse video of WTC7. Permission from the highest levels is necessary to get this done.
55:55 – 45 seconds would it have taken for the twin towers to come down on the basis of the law of conservation of momentum if internal resistence had to be overcome.
57:15 – 10 times more dust has been produced by the twin towers than one would expect in advance on the basis of gravitational pull alone.
58:00 – Satellite images taken weeks after 9/11 show hotspots around Ground Zero.
59:00 – NIST states that they do not give an analysis of the structural behavior directly after the collapse.
Voice morphing
Is voice morphing possible? Yes it is, read this article.By taking just a 10-minute digital recording of Steiner's voice, scientist George Papcun is able, in near real time, to clone speech patterns and develop an accurate facsimile.
Whereas early voice morphing required cutting and pasting speech to put letters or words together to make a composite, Papcun's software developed at Los Alamos can far more accurately replicate the way one actually speaks. Eliminated are the robotic intonations.
The irony is that after Papcun finished his speech cloning research, there were no takers in the military. Luckily for him, Hollywood is interested: The promise of creating a virtual Clark Gable is mightier than the sword.
Video and photo manipulation has already raised profound questions of authenticity for the journalistic world. With audio joining the mix, it is not only journalists but also privacy advocates and the conspiracy-minded who will no doubt ponder the worrisome mischief that lurks in the not too distant future.
That was feb 1999. Not a big stretch to assume that two-and-a-half year later real time high quality voice morphing was possible for a resourceful agency like the Mossad based on sound samples acquired via eavesdropping by telco-related Israeli firms like Amdocs or Comverse/Verint.
Let's recapitulate: according to the ICT on 9/11 there were a group of Israeli agents with a list of telephone numbers and voice morphing devices programmed with sound samples from passengers who were at that moment still alive. These phone numbers and sound samples had been obtained by means of eavesdropping. Earlier from a dutch interview I quoted Griffin saying that the transcripts of all the so-called telephone conversations were one-way, not needing intimate knowledge of the circumstances at home.
To get an impression of realtime voice morphing, see these two videos:
Voice morphing:
First hear the real voice, then:
2:08 - same voice morphed into a child's voice
2:49 - other man's voice
2:57 - woman's voice
Voice morphing applied to singing ('karaoke'). How to upgrade a horrible voice into something much better.
9/11 conspiracy too complex?
Debunkers I met find that the scenario described in this blog is too complex to realize.I do not think that 9/11 was that much work, maybe fifty man year or less. And that is not much in the light of what was accomplished with the plot: getting 200.000 man deployed in Iraq with heavy weaponry and all. Nobody denies that that happened. That's 1.000.000 man year since 2003. At least.
So, by investing 50 Israeli man year or less, Israel gets 1.000.000 man year for free to decapitate Israel's most important enemies. That's a leverage of 1:20.000.
Now that's efficiency!
About these 50 man year, what is the 9/11 to do list?
- Zakheim having an idea based on his experience with Tridata (WTC 1993, WTC construction data), SPC (remote control for planes), his PNAC work (today America, tomorrow ze wurld), his Israeli affiliations (Clean Break document), his appointment in the Pentagon where he needs to destroy evidence of 2 trillion $ missing from the books (for a big part due to gifts of military hardware to Israel by... Zakheim, earlier in his career) --> one night of missed sleep
- software manipulation using PTech as Trojan horse; done in Israel by Israeli military programmers of NORAD software --> couple of man years
- leasing WTC, hire Israeli owned security firm Kroll --> nothing to do with 9/11 directly, normal business operation
- procedure of selecting 3 Arab patsies (finally the Mossad choose the Hamburg 3) --> unclear how much time that costs
- Murder the 3 patsies and dispose bodies --> couple of man day incl. travel from Israel.
- start laying trails at American flight schools with Israeli stand-ins for 3 'Arab hijackers' --> 3 man year
- request 'business loan' for UMS --> not much time; authorities very cooperative
- buy thermite and radiographic controlled detonators from many different suppliers with 500.000$ business loan --> 1 man year
- Assemble hundreds/thousands of compact packages of thermite + detonators in UMS buildings in New Jersey. If bored, take a brake, walk to Hudson riverside and enjoy view on WTC for inspiration --> 1 man month
- Buy computer with transmitter to control detonators. Write software in Israel by Mossad/military programmers; put the remaining 4,700$ in old sock --> 2 man months
- drive packages in UMS van to WTC basement (aided by Kroll security) put packages in elevator, put on roof elevator, go from floor to floor and mount explosives to carrying columns --> 60 man days
- On 9/11 go to Hudson, install camera's en document event, have a little party --> 5 man days
- Due to this stupidity go to jail for 10 weeks --> 1 man year (5 persons)
So the direct effort is only a couple of man year. Obviously you need many man years more for 'circumstantial labor' like acquiring voice morphing systems. Say the work of the Q's, like in James Bond.
P.S.1: again I am not suggesting that only Israeli interests were served with the successful 9/11 plot. Elements within the American government, notably Dick Cheney, also passively supported this action. The idea behind the 9/11 plot and the technical implementation however comes from Israeli sources.
P.S.2: I am glad that I as a Dutch European do not have to pay that tax bill.
Plane swapping
A debunker suggested to me that the only conceivable way to have done the remote control modifications without those potential witnesses noticing would involve physically swapping the planes with identical modified duplicates.This person might be hitting the nail on the head here.
My blog is mainly based on this article by Bollyn. There is however another article by Bollyn on exactly this issue of swapping airplanes. It is a story about redesigned airplanes by an Israeli company Atasco. And FTS's mounted on them. This might be a solution for the remote control problem discussed in this thread. I have yet to look into it more carefully.
P.S. FTS = flight termination system, a remote control product from Zakheim's SPC company.
P.S.2 Atasco was run by a Mossad chap named Gitner. This same Gitner became director of... ICTS, the company that owns Huntleigh, the Mossad run 'security firm' that 'handeld security' on the 9/11 departure airports. And to repeat, security on the arrival airports (WTC) was also done by an israeli run security firm Kroll associates.
If one accepts the notion of inside job then the concept of remote control of airplanes becomes inevitable. It is clear from news items and a filed patent application shortly after 9/11 that it was an 'emerging technology' in 2001. It remains unclear how it was done in detail.
Khalid Sheik Muhamed mastermind of 9/11?
Debunkers like to point out that the Americans have Khalid Sheik Muhamed under trial who seems to have confessed that he masterminded 9/11.The answer to that is that the Americans possess a very efficient way of truth-finding called waterboarding; says Wikipedia:
There have been allegations by Human Rights Watch and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed himself that he was tortured while in custody. On February 4, 2008 it was revealed that he was subjected to the controversial technique of "simulated drowning," also called "waterboarding."
CIA admits waterboarding inmates:
The CIA has for the first time publicly admitted using the controversial method of "waterboarding" on terror suspects.
He said the technique had been used on high-profile al-Qaeda detainees including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
About waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed:
The article proceeded with recollections of the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who apparently "won the admiration of interrogators when he was able to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes before begging to confess"
Now, that is efficiency! Chapeau! No unnecessary time wasting, come to the point in 2 minutes.
New Khalid Shaikh Mohammed stunner: "My great-grandpa sank the Maine!"
9/11 war room
I have to postulate the existence of a sort of war room, possibly in WTC-7 or the building of UMS, possibly led by Dominic Sutter (the guy who fled to Israel after a first interrogation). Picture a room with say 3 men and 2 women with head set's plus some senior advisors. They are watching a large screen connected to a desktop computer (beamer). Information is slowly scrolling by which in it's turn is partly fed by SMS's coming in from other Mossad aids at the departure airports; Sutter or an aid copies the text content of the SMS's into the computer for everybody to see on the screen:7:40 flight11 started taxiing
7:59 flight11 takes of
etc. see this table.
Let's assume there is a agreed upon time span between take-off and the time to switch to remote control; not equal for all 4 flights of course to avoid suspicion.
In the same link 'Phone Calls' paragraph:
At 8:19 Sutter types in: Sarah --> "Betty Ong"
(Sarah is a female Mossad agent present in the war room); on screen in black font an outline is presented of things that Sarah needs to say. The text slowly scrolls by. When Sutter or other supervisors want to make suggestions they enter text in the stream as well in red font.
8:25 Sutter types: Havi --> "Madeline Sweeney"
The number is auto-dialed, the voices of Sarah and Havi are processed by the voice morphing computer before the modified versions are sent over the telephone line with a modified caller-id.
This is repeated for all the names on the list. When a conversation comes in difficult territory or the Israeli caller does not know what to say, the standard phrase 'I have to hang up' is said.
This is how it could have been done on the day of 9/11.
Here is a link to an article discussing the phone calls from the 9/11 planes. What is remarkable is how 'shockingly calm' all these phone calls were (with 1 exeption).
More on remote control
Here is an article from the Daily Mail (march 2007) describing the proposeed autoland anti-hijack feature:

The question is: was this kind of system implemented on the 9/11 machines?
Here is an interesting thread from the pilotsfor911truth forum, post #11:
Go to ATA chapter 23 and review B757/B767 SATOM interfaces with the other B757/B767 systems such as Flight Management Computers (FMCs).
Satellite data link to any/all SATCOM equipped B-types is established via the B-type SATCOM antenna mounted on the top of the fuselage near/around the station corresponding with the wing's trailing edge.
Satellite data/commands are received by the Satellite Data Unit (SDU) located within the aft cargo compartment behind panel rendering it safe/secure from any human/pax/hijacker access.
SDU transmits data/commands via a "back door" connection to the flight deck's/cockpits CDU. The pilot/co-pilot inputs commands/flight plans for their B-type into the CDU.
Pilots/co-pilots can (and do) manually/physically input flight plan commands to/for their B-type via the flight deck/cockpit's CDU.
"Unknown" ground controllers who have access to/knowledge of that particular B-type's assigned/programmed I.D. number can likewise electronically input flight plan commands to/for their "Arab Terrorist Hijacked" B757 or B767.
Who has the the B757 and B767 SATCOM Indentifier Codes for each and every last Boeing production 757 & 767 so as to gain electromic/satellite access to the on-board CDU so as to fly any/all B757s & B767s by remote control from any console linked to SATCOM?
Meet your REAL 'Arab Terrorist Hijackers'....Boeing, FAA, DOD, United Airlines, American Airlines.
CDU = Central Display Unit. Basically a computer screen where you see your input into the flight computer...
B-Types - Boeing 707s, Boeing 727s, Boeing 737s, Boeing 747s, Boeing 757s, Boeing 767s and Boeing 777s = B707s, B727s, B737s, B747s, B757s, B767s & B777s which all = "B-types" as Airbus 320s, Airbus340s = A320s, A340s = "A-types" as DC8s, DC9s & DC10s = "D-types".
SATCOM - Satellite Communications Technology
DFDR - Digital Flight Data Recorder
In the meantime I now have a breakthrough: these forum posts led me to the concept of ACARS:
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, a datalink interface between the ACARS MUs and Flight management systems (FMS) was introduced. This interface enabled flight plans and weather information to be sent from the ground to the ACARS MU, which would then be forwarded to the FMS. This feature gave the airline the capability to update FMSs while in flight, and allowed the flight crew to evaluate new weather conditions, or alternate flight plans.
Here I found an arbitrary link from a Baltic airline that operates 2 B757 with ACARS enabled.
So it is now almost certain that remote control is possible for a B757. The only thing that needs yet to be demonstrated is that it is possible to disable the controls.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6514413.stm (2007)
The defence technology spin-out company Qinetiq has successfully completed the world's first flight of a plane remotely controlled by a fighter aircraft.
Pete Zalewski

So who updated the flight path to one with destination New York rather than Los Angeles? Here is a possible candidate: Pete Zalewski. What is extremely interesting about this fellow is that he as a flight controller 'handled' 3 (three) hijacked airliners in his life that all crashed: AA11, AA175 and Egypt Air 990. Quite a coincidence!
Here a detailed account of Pete Zalewski's actions during 9/11.
Here is a German documentary '9/11 false flag' (72 min., English subtitles). In minute 15:00-17:10 the German historian Andreas Hauß refers to Pete Zalewski and the curious fact that he 'handled' the 3 flights mentioned.
When one searches a bit deeper into this character Zalewski one will find that he would fit perfectly in my ICT.
Could it be that it was Zalewski who sent an updated flight plan to AA11 and UA175 changing course from Los Angeles to New York? Three crashing planes for this young flight controller is too much to be a coincidence.
Interview Tom Brokaw with Pete Zalewski:
Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew
See Muckraker report:What the observer of these happenings heard beneath him after the normal niceties were exchanged between the three men alarmed him. The man who arrived in the Town Car said, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.” One of the men that had been leaning against the retaining wall expressed concerns regarding whether the upcoming presidential election (November 2000) between Bush / Cheney and Gore / Lieberman could impact the plans. The man that arrived in the Town Car pacified the doubts by saying, “Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything.”
In addition to overhearing in Hebrew, the statements, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September”, and “Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything”, the source also reports that he overheard one of the three men in the Gomel Chesed Cemetery say, “The Arabs are so stupid. They don’t even imagine that we are using them.”
Lucky Larry Silverstein
Larry Silverstein began spending every morning at the World Trade Center shortly after he inked a 99-year deal to operate the complex in July 2001. The New York developer would have breakfast at Windows on the World, the restaurant on the 107th floor of the North tower, and then meet for several hours with tenants. But on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, he was at home, dressing for a doctor's appointment his wife had made for him, instead of at his usual table at Windows. "I had said to my wife, sweetheart, cancel my doctor's appointment. I have so much to do at the Trade Center," he recalls. "She got very upset and told me I had to go. As it turns out, that saved my life."
Lucky Larry decided that a visit to the doctor that fateful morning was probably better for his health and pulled the breakfast. Larry knows instinctively what's good for him.
But that was not all... both his daughter and son were also absent according to the Observer:
After a last-minute breakdown in the front-running bid, Mr. Silverstein's team won by a hair. His son, Roger, and his daughter, Lisa, were working for him in temporary offices on the 88th floor of the W.T.C. north tower. Regular meetings with tenants in the weeks immediately following their July 26, 2001, takeover of the building were held each morning at Windows on the World. But on Sept. 11, Roger and Lisa Silverstein were running late. Meanwhile, Mr. Silverstein's wife of 46 years had laid down the law: The developer could not cancel an appointment with his dermatologist, even to meet with tenants at his most important property. If the attack had happened just a little later, Mr. Silverstein's children would likely have been trapped at Windows. As it was, Silverstein Properties lost four employees in the attack, two of whom had just recently been hired.
Larry to the doctor and his son and daughter 'running late'. Quite a coincidence. Anybody who believes these 'coincidences'?
Not only did Silverstein and his family miraculously survive the ordeal of 9/11; he made a hansom profit from it as well. With remarkable foresight he insured his newly acquired buildings against terrorist attacks. From a mere lessee he morphed into the developer of 3 of the 5 newly build towers, to be completed in 2012.
According to Newsweek: "Since September 11, New York real-estate mogul Larry Silverstein, 70, has been in the headlines as the man who "owns" a 99-year lease on all the space at the World Trade Center and is now at the center of the debate over what to rebuild there. What Silverstein actually owns is an 11 percent share of that lease for which he paid about $14 million. Using cash from other investors (who own the other 89 percent) and hundreds of millions more in borrowings, he bought the lease in late July 2001, from the Port"
So Silverstein initially only paid a lousy $14 million. The NY Post (not really an anti-semitic rag), writes in may 2007: "So far, Silverstein has tapped the $2.55 billion received from insurance money to pay about $700 million in rent due under his lease to the PA.".
Subtract some $700 million rent, leaving an overall hansom profit of $1.8 billion. And just wait until Lucky Larry receives his future 90 years of revenues, no longer from an asbestos ridden worthless aging dinosaur (quoting Richard Gage) but from a brand new WTC complex.
Regarding the 'worthless aging dinosaur': "In 1989 - there were plans to erect scaffolding and disassemble the WTC towers and rebuild them. Cost projection was around $5.6 billion. One of the architects shows up to work one day and the MIB's were there - had confiscated all of the plans, specs, details, etc for WTC. They even confiscated their office cubicles and had tape on the floor outlining where they went. Reason - the exterior cast aluminum WTC panels had been directly connected to the steel superstructure of the building, thus causing galvanic corrosion. In short, the "life cycle" of the WTC was not 200 - 300 years, more like 30 years or so."
Sibel Edmonds and 9/11-2
Who is behind DEBKAfile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEBKAfile
9/11 Commission Report
Here is the official report of the 9/11 commission (pdf, 585 pages).And here a 2 part video in which David Ray Griffin discusses the fraud that the official report is:
On David Ray Griffin's strategy
The Ultimate 9/11 'Truth' Showdown: David Ray Griffin vs. Matt TaibbiIn this dialog David Ray Griffin makes the following remarks:
In addition to this one-sidedness, there is a second problem with your claim that anyone challenging a theory must have a complete alternative theory: It is false. There are several ways to challenge a theory. You can cast doubt on it by showing that its alleged evidence does not stand up to scrutiny. You can show that a theory is probably false by pointing to evidence that apparently contradicts it. You can positively disprove a theory by providing evidence showing that it cannot possibly be true. The 9/11 truth movement has done all three with regard to the official account.
In my later writings, I emphasized this point -- that I am not attempting to provide a complete theory, partly because to do so would require groundless speculation, partly because there is no need. I did, however, state what I found the evidence to show on various matters, such as the fact that the World Trade Center buildings could have come down only through the use of explosives. I also clearly stated, after the first book, that I believed that 9/11 was an inside job, that the Air Force had been ordered to stand down, and that Dick Cheney was at the center of this operation. But this is very different from trying to offer a complete theory.
I have some issues with this attitude. It is OK and well that the leader of the 9/11 truth movement keeps his powder dry and refrains from going into speculations. However this cannot be the last word. If everybody had this attitude the whole situation would end in a stalemate: the government insisting that their story is valid and the truth movement saying it is not. That does not bite. The goal of the 9/11 truth movement can only be: solving 9/11 and bring the perpetrators to justice. How do we do this? We have a perfect model in real crime fighting, what the FBI does on a daily basis. First you collect relevant facts and on the basis of these fact one starts making a theory. And on the basis of that theory one starts to investigate, starts asking questions. This can be a rude procedure, like asking people where they were at the time of the crime, clearly indicating that they are a possible suspect, although no evidence for that has yet been found.
Could it be that David Ray Griffin is avoiding the hassle that comes with theorizing, including pointing fingers are possible perpetrators? Or could it be that he knows who has done it but that he flinches for the consequences in order to avoid a fate that Christopher Bollyn has to endure?
I admire Griffin for the meticulous work that he has done, but we can not follow his advice. In order to bring 9/11 to a close one has to speculate and theorize; there is no way around it. And once a tested theory has been produced the truth movement should go in the attack mode.
Non-disclosure of Pentagon videos
Operation Northwood
PNAC and the New Pearl Harbour
http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdfNow let's open the document:
A Report of
The Project for the New American Century
September 2000
Hmmm, one year before the event we are so cordially discussing in this cozy little trans-atlantic get-together.
Let's first go to page 51
blader-blader-blader... Ah, there it is:
The chapter is called: Creating Tomorrows Dominant Force.
Hmm. Sounds ambitious. Discussion about how America can expands it's global leadership.
And then the infamous phrase comes which is the key to 9/11:
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.
That's interesting. A New Pearl Harbor.
Now what was Pearl Harbor again? Was it not that act of war that was almost enforced by Roosevelt on the japanese to create an excuse to enter in WW2?
How many dead service men were there to deplore?
Some 2400. This number was sufficient to get a reluctant American population into enthusiastically joining the war effort.
A New Pearl Harbor.
Now how many people died at 9/11?
Some 3000.
Bad omens
We modern people are not supposed to be supersticious. I cannot resist the temptation however to point to two events that can be seen as bad omens for the undertakings of the American administration:Bad omen 1) here is a Salon interview with Camille Paglia. She points out that on the eve of the Iraq invasion the space shuttle had crashed near the Texas village of Palestine. On board was an Israeli astronaut who 20 years before had bombed the Osirak nuclear power station in Iraq. The catastrophic Iraq invasion will probably cost America its preeminent position in a vanishing unipolar world.
Bad omen 2) Here is the video showing the collapse of U.S. attorney General Mukasey. Bollyn has this to say about Mukasey:
Likewise, two dedicated Zionists-cum-federal judges named Alvin K. Hellerstein and Michael B. Mukasey have overseen virtually all the litigation from the massive death and destruction of 9-11 as well as the 1993 false-flag incident at the WTC. Small wonder there has yet to be a single trial for any of the 96 families who chose to seek justice through the courts rather than accept the government pay-out for the loss of their loved ones. Less than two months before the 7th anniversary of 9-11, fewer than 7 of the original 96 cases remain to be settled and still no trial is planned for any of the victims of 9-11. This can hardly be called justice for the relatives. As they say, "Justice delayed is justice denied."
Mukasey is one of the great Zionist enablers of the 9/11 cover-up. His collapse could prove to be symbolic for the coming collapse of Zionism in America as a consequence of 9/11, a position build up over more than 100 years.
Or as the saying goes: "he who dances last dances best"
Phone calls transcript
Phone calls from high altitude and high speed in 2001
Pentagon no-plane theory reservations
Most truthers who read this blog tend to agree with it's contents but many have issues with the no-plane-hit-the-Pentagon idea. Mike Rivero (*) of www.whatreallyhappened.com is a prominent example. And I agree that site's like these can make one doubt the no-plane theory. The point I want to make is: don't let the Pentagon case distract the truthers from what happened at the WTC. WTC, much more that the Pentagon leads directly to the perpetrators of 9/11. In fact if flight77 did indeed hit the Pentagon it would be inconsequential for the theory presented here (Mossad inside job, mastermind Zakheim, remote control, PNAC/Clean Break motive). It simply means that a remote controlled airplane did hit the Pentagon. The reason why I think a plane did not hit the Pentagon is because of the little damage that was done (hole too small) and the outright suspicious behavior of the FBI in confiscating all the video evidence. But if somebody can prove that a plane hit the Pentagon after all, then that's fine with me.(*) This is what Mike Rivero/www.whatreallyhappened.com had to say: "Good summary here. Except for the claim that there was no plane at the Pentagon, of course.". (Scroll to 7 november 10:28).
Bin Laden no longer sought after
Confirm that he confessed once and denied twice (Richard Gage).The Justice Department is no longer looking for the guy from whom you say confessed 9/11 !!! How do you explain that? That's a MEGA-fact! For years we heard about bin Laden all day. And now he went quietly down the memory hole. Bin Laden served his purpose as an excuse to invade and to conquest and now he is obsolete. Der Moor hat seine Pflicht getan, der Moor kann gehen.
I'm sure someone already posted a response to this, but I have to ask were you're getting this information?
FBI homepage. Lower right corner, "most wanted". Top list Most Wanted Terrorists. Top of that list bin Laden. Top Ten Most Wanted list bin Laden and note the little part at the bottom of the page.
He already was on the most wanted list for the embassy attacks in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. There's no mention of the Cole or 9/11. So does that mean the Cole bombing was a Mosaad false flag operation too?
More on the dancing Israelis
This was THE smoking gun that pointed early on at Israeli involvement in 9/11. The debunkers are going to great lengths to minimize the significance of this event: They argue that the Israelis arrived later at the waterfront than in reality was the case. They even suggest that it was not the burning twin towers they were cheering for.Let's go back to see what Fox News had to say:
The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.
But we do not need the New York Times; see what Counterpunch has to say:
Law enforcement officers across the New York-New Jersey area were warned in the radio dispatch to watch for a "vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack":White, 2000 Chevrolet van with 'Urban Moving Systems' sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.
This was the content of a so-called FBI BOLO (be on lookout) sent out on 3:31 pm. There can be no doubt, the Israelis were at the water front with film camera's installed waiting for an anticipated event to occur before the first impact. Not that it matters much. Even if they had been spotted first after the second impact (which is not the case), that had been more than enough proof of advance knowledge. It is simply impossible for 3-5 Israeli 'movers' to infer from 2 planes crashing into the twin towers, that it had been Arab hijackers who had done so. And that as a consequence the US would invade the Middle East to fight a couple of wars in Israel's interest. They were cheering because the plan they had helped to bring about had succeeded magnificently. And to make the case for the debunkers worse, a couple of hours later the Israeli movers were caught. Dogs sniffing for explosives responded positively. How much more proof do you need? Movers better not use explosives if they are keen on being paid for their services. And they had 4,700$ in a sock! What kind of movers keep so much money in a sock? It is obvious that they had not earned any money that day since they had been too busy 'documenting events'. These 4,700$ were leftovers from this 500,000$ 'business loan' Urban Moving Systems had received from the US-government and in fact had been used to buy radiographic controlled detonators and thermite or whatever explosives were used to bring the towers down.
Debunkers like to point out that the Israelis in the end were released and deported, because the FBI found no evidence against them.
The real reason why the Israelis were released was because of higher circles intervening, much to the frustration of lower ranking FBI-officials: Around this time intense political pressure is put on US officials holding five Israeli men arrested for suspicious behavior at the time of the 9/11 attacks (see 3:56 p.m. September 11, 2001). According to the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and two unidentified “prominent New York congressmen” lobby heavily for their release. According to a source at ABC News, well-known criminal lawyer Alan Dershowitz also becomes involved as a negotiator to help get the men released. (Dershowitz will later refuse to comment on the matter.) [CounterPunch, 2/7/2007] ABC News will later report that was “high-level negotiations between Israeli and US government officials” over the five men, resulting in a settlement.
Like with the USS Liberty cover up, the American establishment does everything to keep Israel free of blame in connection to 9/11. Now, what says that about the American establishment? Who is the dog and who is the tail?
It's a rethorical question. I know the answer.
Attempt to reconstruct
Speculate on the timeline of preparation:- Summer 2000: Zakheim gets his grand 9/11 idea when he is confronted with this New Pearl Harbor notion in the PNAC policy paper.
- Summer 2000; Zakheim contacts either Netanjahu or Olmert
- Summer 2000: Netanjahu/Olmert instruct Mossad to start preparations, i.e. selecting suitable muslim individuals for identity theft
- Summer 2000: Netanjahu contacts his buddy Silverstein
- July 2001: Silverstein finally acquires the WTC complex; hires Kroll Associates for security
- August 2001: Dominic Sutter and his crew start buying thermite and radiographic controlled detonators
More on Israeli eavesdropping
The good people of Malta had some trouble convincing themselves that they should give a contract to Verint/Comverse for delivery of eavesdropping facility. Reason: Malta was afraid that Israel could listen in also.A major Israeli telecommunications company is to provide the Malta Security Services (MSS) the technology for its lawful interception system, in a controversial contract award which has landed the Malta Communications Authority in court.
New York-based Verint Systems, a subsidiary of Comverse Technology, was chosen late December 2005 by the MCA to provide an interception system for the MSS.
Concerns over the choice of Verint have sparked alarm over its parent company’s notorious link to a major espionage investigation after the September 11 attacks, raising eyebrows over the company that will have its eyes and ears on practically all Malta’s emails, and mobile telephony and VoIP exchanges.
Parent company Comverse, which has close links to the Israeli government, was suspected to have been used by Israeli military spies who had been monitoring al Qaeda terror suspects prior to September 11, without informing the US government of their actions.
No they did not, there was no Al Qaeda. They were eavesdropping on future 9/11 passengers.
According to the report, the system was prone to interception by unauthorised, non-law enforcement parties because Comverse had continued access to the system.
The FBI had already conducted investigations on Amdocs over security breaches after it suspected that records of calls in the US were falling into the hands of Israel. Concerns about the vulnerability of the system operated by Amdocs grew because of a 1997 drug trafficking case in Los Angeles in which telephone information was used to compromise the communications of the FBI.
And what about all those American politicians that are now prone to blackmail because of the spy activities of our valiant little ally in the Middle East.
The roots of the suspicions harked back to 1997, in the bust-up of a major Israeli organised crime network trafficking cocaine and ecstasy. According to investigators, criminals had access to a database through which they got the phone numbers of investigating officers, using them to avoid arrest.
Isn't that nice. A telecom system not protected against usage by the Israeli maffia.
More info: http://www.counterpunch.org/ketcham09272008.html
How Israel Helps Eavesdrop On US Citizens
An essential element of my theory is that the Mossad could easily eavesdrop on the future 9/11 passengers. Here is a one month old review of a brand new book by James Bamford about just this: "The Shadow Factory".
From the review:
After the 11 September 2001 attacks, the United States government launched a massive program to spy on millions of its own citizens. Through the top secret National Security Agency (NSA), it has pursued "access to billions of private hard-line, cell, and wireless telephone conversations;
Bamford casts light on this effort, including a detailed account of how spying on American citizens has been outsourced to several companies closely linked to Israel's intelligence services.
It is well-known that the two largest American telecom companies AT&T and Verizon collaborated with the US government to allow illegal eavesdropping on their customers.
What is less well-known is that AT&T and Verizon handed "the bugging of their entire networks -- carrying billions of American communications every day" to two companies founded in Israel. Verint and Narus, as they are called, are "superintrusive -- conducting mass surveillance on both international and domestic communications 24/7,"
Virtually all US voice and data communications and much from the rest of the world can be remotely accessed by these companies in Israel, which Bamford describes as "the eavesdropping capital of the world."
Israel's spy agencies have long had a revolving-door relationship with Verint and Narus and other Israeli military-security firms.
Interesting additional material, isolated facts, articles, video's, etc.
- David Ray Griffin is the leading person within the 9/11 truth movement. A few pointers to his work:
- Video: 9/11 contradictions
- Overview of most articles by David Ray Griffin.
- Video: 9/11 contradictions
- Information regarding structural design, dimensions, floor plans, elevators, external facade, trusses, foundations, map of complex, etc. of the Twin Towers.
- Video: The Air Traffic Controllers of 9/11 (52 minutes). Aired on NBC the first anniversary, listen to the ATCs describe how they tracked the entire path of the planes, despite what the 9/11 Commission tells you, that they lost the planes after the transponders were turned off.
- Material on the alleged phone calls from airplanes
- 911Research: overview
- 911Research: Details
- David Ray Griffin: Reported Cell Phone Calls from the 9/11 Planes
- 911Research: overview
- Then there's the February 1975 North Tower fire that everyone seems to keep forgetting... The fire burned for 3 hours.
So, this was a very serious fire which spread over some 65 per cent of the eleventh floor (the core plus half the office area) in the very same building that supposedly "collapsed" on 9/11 due to a similar, or lesser, fire. This fire also spread to a number of other floors. And although it lasted over 3 hours, it caused no serious structural damage and trusses survived the fires without replacement and supported the building for many, many more years after the fires were put out.
That the 1975 fire was more intense than the 9/11 fires is evident from the fact that it caused the 11th floor east side windows to break and flames could be seen pouring from these broken windows. This indicates a temperature greater than 700°C. In the 9/11 fires the windows were not broken by the heat (only by the aircraft impact) indicating a temperature below 700°C. - Then there's the interesting quote from the Opinion Journal:
Larry Silverstein began spending every morning at the World Trade Center shortly after he inked a 99-year deal to operate the complex in July 2001. The New York developer would have breakfast at Windows on the World, the restaurant on the 107th floor of the North tower, and then meet for several hours with tenants. But on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, he was at home, dressing for a doctor's appointment his wife had made for him, instead of at his usual table at Windows. "I had said to my wife, sweetheart, cancel my doctor's appointment. I have so much to do at the Trade Center," he recalls. "She got very upset and told me I had to go. As it turns out, that saved my life."
Lucky Larry decided that a visit to the doctor that fateful morning was probably better for his health and 'pulled' the breakfast. Larry knows instinctively what's good for him. - You are doubting the official conspiracy theory? You are not alone! Scores of high ranking people don't buy the story either.
- Alternative integral theories
- Ghost Riders in the Sky
- Operation Pearl
1. Four commercial passenger jets (American Airlines Flights 11 and 77 and United Airlines Flights 93 and 175) take off and shortly after the pilots are ordered to land at a designated airport with a military presence.
2. Two previously-prepared planes (one a Boeing 767, painted up to look like a United Airlines jet and loaded with extra jet fuel) take off and are flown by remote control to intercept the flight paths of AA 11 and UA 175 so as to deceive the air traffic controllers.
3. These (substituted) jets then fly toward Manhattan; the first crashes into the North Tower and (eighteen minutes later) the second crashes into the South Tower.
4. A fighter jet (under remote control), or a cruise missile, crashes into the Pentagon.
5. Back at the airport the (innocent) passengers from three of the Boeings are transferred to the fourth (UA 93).
6. This plane takes off, flies toward Washington, and is shot down by a U.S. Air Force jet over Pennsylvania, eliminating the innocent witnesses to the diversion of the passenger planes.
7. Under cover of darkness later that evening the other three Boeings are flown by remote control out over the Atlantic, are scuttled and end up in pieces at the bottom of the ocean.- Flight Of The Bumble Planes
- Scenario 404
- Ghost Riders in the Sky
- Israel has a long history in false flag operations, the most famous one being the attack on the USS Liberty. Here is a recent example: "Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said the security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence."... "A terrorist cell was arrested and will be referred to the judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," Mr Saleh told a gathering at al-Mukalla University in Hadramawt province. "Details of the trial will be announced later. You will hear about what goes on in the proceedings," he added. The 17 September attack was the second to target the US embassy since April. Militants detonated car bombs before firing rockets at the heavily fortified building.
- Link to an FBI interrogation report of Deena Burnett, whose husband died in UA93. Deena reports of cell phone calls from her husband while the plane was at 35,000 feet or higher.
Open questions
- Have you ever seen or heard documentaries or testimonials involving victims' relatives?
- Why has there never been any time change out parts from any of all the four airplanes crashes provided as proof to belong to said aircrafts?
- Why will the FBI not release the serial numbers to the black box so we can know they belong to said airplanes?
- Why did NIST lie to the American people saying they did not look in to explosions at the WTC saying there were no eyewitnesses?
- Why has there never been a video or photo of an airplane hitting the pentagon?
- Why was a Federal crime scene at the Pentagon front lawn disturbed with in minutes of the explosions at the Pentagon? Photos of people with garbage bags picking up debris and putting in garbage bags. Talk about disturbing crime scene evidences!
- Why did BBC announced the WTC 7 had already fell 20 minutes before it fell? Meaning who told BBC the WTC 7 was going to come down.
- Are there videos from interviews with relatives of the people that died? This to confirm that the 4 flights really existed?
- Why are there no Arab names on the passenger lists?
Unprocessed links
Proof of pre-9/11 eavesdropping of israeli telcoms.
------------------------- THE END ---------------------------------
